Edit a topic page

Edit a topic page

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on a Topic Page.


You must be logged in to add/edit content.  

If you are adding new content, you must have selected Topic page from the list of page types in the add new content step.

If you are editing existing content, you must have selected an existing topic page.

Getting started

Because topic pages are the most commonly used type of page, this documentation will review the material fully.  In other parts of the documentation, we will only talk about the parts that are specific to the page in question (i.e. that don't exist on a topic page).

  • Field names are usually bolded and sit above the space where information can be entered (see "Title" in the screenshot below)
  • Asterisks indicate that a field is mandatory
  • Underneath the space for the content, you will find helpful hints and information about what you should provide in this area as well as details like character count maximums etc. 

  • The meta description is not displayed anywhere on a published page and is not visible to visitors.  It is strictly used for search results (search engine optimization or SEO) so it should - in 160 characters or less - contain information that would make this page findable during a search.  If you're not sure what to include in a meta description, try looking at other pages in this department/school or talk to your Marketing Specialist.
  • You can expand or decrease the space in the field by using the handle at the lower right.  You cannot increase the character limitation from 160.
  • If you are working on a school page, click the box next to that question.  You will be asked to choose a feature image for the page.
  • If there is a news topic relevant to your page, select the topic from the drop-down list.  If there is none related, leave 'none' selected.

Topic content is the main part of any page.  There are options for how you want to present your information - you choose components to build your page nicely.  

If you are creating a new page, you will see:

About Components

To add a component, you should click on one of the grey buttons.  

You can add any component more than once on any page.

It is unlikely that you will want or need to use ALL the different components offered.  We have done so here for demonstration purposes only.  Please read through all the component types as we'll be pointing out things along the way that apply in other components.

Need a reminder about the purpose of each component?

To see a list of all components and their purpose, please visit the Types of components page.

Text and media block component

To add a Text and media block, click the grey button that says Add a text and media block. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Text and media blocks, refer to these instructions.

Table component 

To add a table to your page, click the Add Table component button. To edit an existing table block, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Accordion blocks, refer to these instructions.

Text block component

To add a Text block, click the grey button that says Add a Text block. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Accordion blocks, refer to these instructions.

Accordion block component

To add an Accordion block, click the grey button that says Add an Accordion block. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Accordion blocks, refer to these instructions.

Feature profiles component

To add a Feature profiles block, click the grey button that says Add Feature profile. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit the Feature profile block, refer to these instructions.

Feature testimonials component

To add a Feature testimonial component, click the grey button that says Add Feature testimonial. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit the Feature testimonial block, refer to these instructions.

PDF Listing component

To add a PDF listing component, click the grey button that says Add a PDF listing. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit a PDF listing component, refer to these instructions.

Media block component

To add a Media block, click the grey button that says Add a Media block. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Media blocks, refer to these instructions.

Call to action component

To add a Call to action component, click the grey button that says Add Call to action. To edit an existing one, click the Edit button to the right of the block.

For more information about how to add/edit Call to action components, refer to these instructions.

After one or more components have been added to your page

If you would like a call to action button on the bottom of your page, click on the down arrow to the left of "Bottom Topic content" to open the data entry area.  Fill in the information and include an image if you like.  Use the same process outlined in the Add/edit media block to add and remove images.

The resulting Call to action block will look like this:

We're ready to move our content along in the workflow.

At the bottom of the screen, select your publisher from the list under "Notification for publisher review".  

Select Draft, Publisher review, Published or Archived, as appropriate.

More details about this workflow will be coming soon.

That's it!  You've successfully created a edited your page and published it for the world to see!

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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