Custom Course Lists

Custom Course Lists

What an automatically generated course list looks like

Some program pages display a course list that is generated automatically from the SIS.  These look like this (this example copied from the BCom Entrepreneurial Management):

If you edit a program page where there is an automatic course list, you'll see this if you expand the 'Courses' section of the webpage while in edit mode: (for Cecilia: https://www.royalroads.ca/node/1162/edit)

What a custom course list looks like

But because some programs feel that this doesn't provide adequate information to the reader, they have chosen to display "custom course lists" instead.  Here's an example of a custom course list (from the BBA program):

If a program is using a custom course list, the "automatic update connection" is effectively broken and any updates must be completed manually by staff in the program who have permission to edit website content.

If you edit a page where there is a custom course list, you'll see something like this:

How to build a custom course listing:

Go to your program page and click on "edit"

Near the bottom of the page, you will see the sections that make up a program page.  Expand the “courses” section by clicking on the ">" symbol.

You'll have two components to choose from:

You can click on "Add Text block" if you wish to add some descriptive text to explain what courses the reader will be viewing. Here's a sample:

Here's what the first text block looks like when you are editing:

And here's what those two text blocks look like when the page is published (you can see the whole page here):

You can delete or duplicate a text block or custom course listing by clicking on the ellipsis and choosing which you want to do.

You can order these text blocks and custom course listings however you want by moving the components around using the handles on the left.

Warning:  If you don't see the handles, that means "Show row weights" has been toggled on.  Please click "Hide row weights" to see the handles again.  (If you are wondering, manipulating the locations using the weighting system is harder than just using the handles to move things around so it's best to keep row weights hidden).

To add a new course to the listing

To add a new course to the list, click 'Add another item':

... then start typing the course name.  When you see the course you want, select it from the list of suggestions.

As of Nov 9, there is a slight challenge with finding a course that has a name similar to other courses.  A good example is "Thesis".  If you start typing "Thesis", you'll see a drop-down list of many different suggestions, like this:

Currently, your only option is to select one of them, save the page, then view the page to see if you've got the right thesis.  If not, go back into edit mode, remove that course name, type "thesis" again to get new search results, then pick the next one in line, save the page, view the page...  repeat this process as necessary.

We have requested that the results list show the course number so that you don't have to hunt around, but until that's changed, it will be necessary to use this workaround.

To delete a course from the listing

When you have added a Custom Course Listing component and are entering courses, your screen will look like this:

You are not permitted to have a blank space in the middle of your course list so if you want to delete - for example - the course that is 2nd in the list, you must first move it to the very bottom of the list. You ARE permitted to delete the text from the very bottom course.

  • using the handle, move it all the way to the bottom of the list
  • save the page
  • edit again
  • expand the component that contains the course you wish to delete
  • scroll to the bottom (where you moved the course to be deleted)
  • highlight the text (the name of the course) and delete it 

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