

 FAQ for learners published by ARUCC
 What is MyCreds™?

MyCreds™ is a national, shared service and platform that provides learners access to a secure, online, password-protected learner credential wallet.

This virtual wallet allows you to view and share your verified and official transcripts, credentials, and academic documents in a digitized format on a 24/7 basis – anytime, anywhere. Secure, cryptographically signed documents can be sent conveniently to institutions, organizations, or individuals and require no further verification, reducing the time it takes to provide required documentation.

 Who is Digitary?

Digitary provides the underlying engine powering MyCreds™. Digitary was launched in Dublin, Ireland in 2005, and has grown to become a leading online platform for certifying, sharing, and verifying academic credentials. Learner-centric since the very start, Digitary enables millions of learners to share their verified academic achievements online, securely, quickly, and easily. Digitary is now used by organizations in over 135 countries. For further details visit www.digitary.net. 

 Who is ARUCC?

The Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada provides leadership in the post-secondary education field and service to its member institutions nationally and internationally, helping foster the advancement of registrarial practices and learner-focused service delivery in Canada. ARUCC owns MyCreds™.

 What other institutions use MyCreds™?

You can see the full list of others using MyCreds™ in the member directory.

 Why are we using MyCreds™ to provide your official documents?

MyCreds™ is a secure, online service that's accessible to you anytime. Once we've uploaded a document, you can log in at your convenience to share it. There's no lineup and you don't have to wait for us to physically send an envelope anywhere.

 How do I request a document?

In the past you would identify who you would want the physical document to be mailed to. Now everything is done digitally, so the process has changed.

Currently, it works like this:

  • You request a document through MyAdmin
  • We upload the document to the secure site
  • You receive a notification ***
  • You log in to MyCreds(TM) and share it as many times as you like to whoever you like (even yourself!)

*** if this is your first time making a request/receiving a notification, watch for an email from mycreds in which you're asked to create a MyCreds™ account.

 How do I login to access my documents?
 With whom can I share documents? And what kind of documents can I share?

You can share any official documents that we've uploaded to your MyCreds(TM) digital wallet. In June, 2022, when we go live, that will be limited to Confirmation of Graduation letters. But we'll add other official documents over time. Next in line are Confirmation of Enrolment letters and Transcipts.

How to share a document with a registered organization

How to share multiple documents at the same time

How to share a document to a recipient’s email

 How much does it cost to share a document?

The cost of sharing documents varies. When you take steps to share a document, you'll be notified of the cost of that particular document.

 How do I ensure a document is authentic?
  • In PDF format: certified documents will contain a blue ribbon above the document, which says ‘Certified by Royal Roads University ... all signatures are valid’ in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Documents that have been tampered with or modified will contain a red ‘X’ and an error message in the blue ribbon.  
  • Printed documents can only be deemed authentic if it is a certified hard copy issued directly by Royal Roads University 
 Who do I contact for help?

If you have questions about a document (Confirmation letter, transcript etc.), please contact the Registrar's Office.

If you need assistance in other matters, please visit the MyCreds.ca | MesCertif.ca FAQ page.

 What do I need to know about MyCreds™ security?

Students & graduates

  • Digitary ensures your documents' authenticity when accessed through the National Network.
  • Documents are stored securely in the National Network and Student data remains under the post-secondary institution’s control. This information can only be accessed by the Student, your post-secondary institution and with whomever a Student chooses to share their documents.
  • Documents issued through the National Network are authentic, tamper-evident and legally valid. The underlying Digitary Platform has been independently tested by security experts. Documents contain a digital signature that meets the legal requirements of certified digital documents in countries around the world.

Third parties (e.g. employers)

  • Post-secondary institutions ensure certified documents' authenticity when accessed online through the National Network through tamper-evident digital signatures and blue seal labeling.
  • While students and graduates can access documents, their documents can only be uploaded or modified by the issuing post-secondary institution.
  • Documents accessed through the National Network are authentic, tamper-evident, and legally valid. Post-secondary institutions that have been approved to use the National Network take advantage of advanced security and operational procedures to produce and certify these digital documents.
  • The underlying platform has been independently tested by security experts. All certified documents carry a digital signature that meets the legal standards set by the European Union for authentic electronic documents, which meet and exceed requirements in Australia, New Zealand and in North America.

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