Field types in the CMS
Field types in the CMS
As you start working on a page, you'll notice that most fields contain helpful hints to guide you in how to use them. Many fields behave differently from each other and are designed in a way to provide you with the most help as you enter content. Examples:
- Mandatory fields and helpful hints
The asterisk next to a field name indicates that it's mandatory.
Most fields have hints displayed beneath them to help you understand the content we need in this space and provide important information like character limits etc. - Searchable fields.
The helpful hint tells you to start typing and then select from a drop-down list of transferring institutions. You cannot type into this type of field. You must choose from the list. - Fields for date and time
You'll click on the calendar icon to select a date, or the clock icon to select a time. - Some fields provide a list for you to choose from. You cannot type a new value into this type of field. You must choose from the list.
- Contact blocks
There are a lot of contact block options defined. Ideally, you should be able to choose one from this list:
If you choose 'Take the next step' as the contact block type, the viewer will see this at the bottom of the page:
How to Contact the Computer Services Department
Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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