Add/edit PDF listings holder component (www)
For a list of all components and their purpose, please refer to this list of components.
When published, a Text block looks like this:
Click 'Edit' to the right of an existing PDF listing holder component on your page to edit the PDF listings component. The screen will look like this:
You can see that there is one PDF listing item already defined. The title is "Equipment Listing" and there is only one document called Cameras.pdf.
Click 'Edit' to the right of that line item to edit the detail:
You can change the title and description.
You can delete the photo by clicking the x in the upper right of the photo and replace it using the same steps outlined in the Add/edit media block instructions.
If you wish to add another PDF listing item, click on the button that says Add PDF listing item. Then enter a title and description for your new PDF listing, insert an image and finally, add the attachment (use the same process used in the Add/edit media block instructions.
You can add multiple PDF listing items inside one PDF listings component.
There is no individual 'Save' button for a component. Components are saved when you save the page.
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