Add/edit Feature profiles component

Add/edit Feature profiles component

For a list of all components and their purpose, please refer to this list of components.

When published, a Feature profiles component looks like this:

This component relies on the existence of pages called Profile pages, which is one of the page types for which we have templates.  You can pull existing content of this type into your page by adding a Features profile component to your page.

To highlight someone for whom an existing profile has been created in the CMS, provide the Section title in the space provided and then search for the person in the field under "Featured profile".

You can highlight more than one person.

There is no individual 'Save' button for a component. Components are saved when you save the page using the save option located at the bottom of the page.

If you wish to highlight someone for whom a profile page has not been created, you cannot.  You must pause here, go create a profile for that person, then come back here and reference your newly created page.

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