Add/Edit Optional Featured Links on HP
The featured links component is found on Basic pages. When published, the featured links component looks like this:
and when a user clicks on any of the blocks they are taken to another web page, a document, or something else people want the user to go to.
To develop the featured links on your page, you go to the components part of the page and in the drop down menu select Add Optional Featured links - see below:
Once you select the Add optional featured links you will come the following data entry screen:
At this screen you type in what you're going to call the section. In the original screen shot above the section was called Photographers.
Next you click on the "add Featured Links box and the following entry screen shows. You will note it asks for a title (required), you can add a descriptors if needed (optional), the url your are linking to (required), and the ability to add an image (optional).
You can continue to add in as many featured links as you like.
There is no individual 'Save' button for a component. Components are saved when you save the page.
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