Add/edit Call to action component

Add/edit Call to action component

For a list of all components and their purpose, please refer to this list of components.

When published, a Call to action block looks like this:

Enter information into the data entry screen for a Call to action component.  You'll need a title, some text that describes the call or encourages the visitor to take the action.

You can also add a button that links to a specific URL and some text to display on the button.

Whenever you enter a URL in a call to action button, you can link to something external like "HTTP://dilbert.com" or you can use a relative link to connect to something on our site.  In that case, you would search in the URL field for the page you want to link to, then choose that page.  You could also type out the entire URL, treating it just like an external link. But the advantage to using a relative link is that even if that page moves within our site, the relative link will not be broken. (We're in favour of using relative links! It's less maintenance for everyone.)

There is no individual 'Save' button for a component. Components are saved when you save the page.

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