Add/edit a policy - academic regulation

Add/edit a policy - academic regulation

Before getting into adding/editing an academic regulation, there are two special pages we'd like to highlight.

#-1 There is one page containing a full list of all academic regulations. A link to this exists in the left nav:

That link will take you to a Topic page onto which has been added a PDF Listings Holder component type:

Find out how to edit a Topic page.

#-2 All content page types called Policy - academic regulations will be displayed together in one place, on a content page type called a Listing page.

Though you should never need to edit the existing listing page, you can find out more about Listing Pages. If you edited the listing page to see how it's put together, you will notice a field called Listing type, and that we've selected the "type" of Policies: Policy - Academic regulation:

This listing page will collate and display page titles for anything that is a Policy - Academic regulation. Every new page of this type is automatically added to the list.

Here's how to edit one of these kinds of pages.


You must be logged in to add/edit content.  

If you're adding content, you must have selected Policy - Academic regulation from the list of page types in the add new content step.

If you're editing content, you must have opened an existing Policy - Academic regulation page.

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on an Academic regulation page.

A finished Policy - Academic regulation page looks like this:

*** We will use the Academic Integrity regulation as our example.

Title: mandatory field; enter the title of the regulation, using title case

Meta description: mandatory field used for searching; describe the regulation using key words likely to be used by a reader

Regulation type: mandatory field; enter the section number and title.

Introduction text: optional field; enter text introducing this regulation type, if desired.

If there is a requirement to attach a PDF, click the Add media button and follow these instructions (selecting a PDF instead of an image).

In the space for Button text, type the text you want on the button. You might type something like "Read more detail" or "Read more info" etc., to advise the reader that there is more information available if they click the button.

Creating a new academic regulation?

Editing an existing academic regulation?

If this is a new academic regulation, click on the Add Text block button if you want to add some text only (or choose another component type if you prefer - this example uses a Text block).

Now enter the regulation details by typing the information in the space provided, as you see on the left.

Notice the editing options are limited because it defaults to Basic HTML. Change that to Full HTML if you would like more formatting options.

You may add another text block by clicking on the Add Text block button or clicking on one of the other buttons to add other component types. Find more information about component types.

Before moving on to the publishing options, note that some information is provided on the right side of the screen including the author's name and date last saved.

Although you will not normally need to change anything here, please note the Revision log message field. You are encouraged to add a comment to this field when you're updating a page so that other editors will know the history of the page.

No other settings need to be changed. You are ready to move on to publishing.

To reproduce this contact information block on the bottom of the regulation page:

... start typing Contact the Registrar's Office (5779) in the space under the option called Related contact block.

Read about publishing options (saving as draft, sending to a publisher, or publishing immediately etc.).

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