Edit a landing page

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on a Listing page.


You must be logged in to add content.  

If you're adding content, you must have selected Listing page from the list of page types in the add new content step.

If you're editing content, you must have opened an existing Listing page.

A landing page is one that introduces a big topic and offers the reader buttons/links to other information related.  Here's what a finished landing page looks like:

(although, the landing page is fairly customizable so they won't all look the same).

Notice the individual buttons for "What is CTET" and "Get help from CTET" etc.  These are child pages of the main landing page. 

If a visitor clicks on the "What is CTET?" button, they'll go to a different page that looks like this:

Other pages available in this section are listed in the left navigation section.  The current child page is identifiable because of the coloured square to the left of the page name - in this case "What is CTET?".  The other child pages are listed below that (see the items in the orange circle above).

The pages in between - Get help from CTET, CTET Studio and CTET Studio mission statement - are Topic pages that are placed under the "What is CTET?" page using the Menu Settings section of the landing page.  More details shown below.

Here's what the landing page screens look like when you're in edit mode: