Add/edit an alert page

Add/edit an alert page

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on an Alert.


You must be logged in to add content.  

If you're adding content, you must have selected Alert from the list of content types in the add new content step.

If you're editing content, you must have opened an existing Alert.

A finished site-wide alert looks like this:

A site-wide alert is displayed at the top of all screens and used to share urgent information. You can have it so that it always shows up every time the person comes onto the site, or you can have it dismissible which gives the people an option to dismiss it once they’ve seen it.

When creating a new alert your screen will look like this:

Please note the title of the alert does not show, it is the headline that does and it’s important that it is clear what the crisis is.

The impact summary is what you want to tell people and should summarize the impact of the crisis on the user. Provide clear directions on what the user needs to do. Write in short sentences and use a bulleted list, if needed. Avoid content duplication.

You will note that there are three boxes you can check for the alert:

Dismissible – this is for those alerts that you only want the person to see and read, but doesn’t need to continually show up.

Active – you must click that to make it active on the site.

Site-Wide – this is if you want the alert to show up on every page of the site and it isn’t only about one specific part of the web.

An in-page alert is displayed at the top of a specific page that you wish the alert to be placed on and only relevant to that page.

A finished in-page alert looks like this:

Before you leave this page, please leave your revision note etc. in the upper right section, which looks like this:

You are almost ready to publish.  Refer to publishing options to determine your next steps.

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