Add / Edit Job Application

The job application form must be set up to be sent to specific departments. To do that an application department must be included here: Application department | Royal Roads University - Our People ( so that the form being completed by the applicant is correctly linked to the correct department . Currently all Job Application Forms can go to any of the following departments.

  • Business
  • Communication & Culture
  • Education & Technology
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Executive Education
  • Human Resources
  • Humanitarian Studies
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Leadership Studies
  • Tourism & Hospitality

This application department is found in the job detail page under the Application CTA and shown here:

Now that you have all the departments in you need to link departments to emails (All are currently set to go to you need to go to Job application | Royal Roads University - Our People ( and go to settings and then the Emails / Handlers tab. These still need to be set to the correct email address for each department.

When you are on the Email / Handlers tab you will see the following

To add a new email to connect to an application department you must add an email by hitting add email and the following screen will appear and you will first work with the General tab. See below screen capture with information of what you add in each area.

You will select custom to email address and then another line appears where you type in the email you wish the completed form information to go to:

The bottom of this form is about who the information is coming from – it is set up to show it coming from the website/domain

You will now move to the second tab “Conditions”.  All need to be set with a condition so that the form goes to the correct department when the applicant completes the form.  The condition being the application department that was set in the job detail page as shown above. 

Conditions Tab

In the example shown below, the business email is first enabled, then the Department [hidden] is selected as where you’ll find the value and you select value is because you want it to be exact and then you type in what that should be – in this case it is business just as we entered it in the application departments we entered earlier.

You need to remember to save here as well as save handlers at the bottom of the screen once you’ve completed adding in your emails.

The email the department will receive will look like this:

The email the applicant will see will look like this:

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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