Add/edit a contact landing page

Add/edit a contact landing page

There is only one contact landing page for www and it is made up of multiple components.

Below is each section and the component that is attached to it and what the input screen looks like for each of these components.

If you change one component piece to save it you need to navigate to end of page and hit publish as individual components are not saved, just the entire page is.

Top feature image and title of the page:

Only one related contact block is allowed. You bring in a contact block that has already been produced by typing in what contact block you'd like to see appear.

To change information on the contact block itself, you will need select that specific contact block by going to content, selecting contact block under content type and then looking for Program updates and going to edit.

The contact listing double block allows for many pieces of information with only a few pieces being mandatory as noted with the asterisk on the input screen.

The Email and phone listing allows for multiple contacts to be listed.

The Feature links only allow for two links

Only one external contact block is allowed, however, multiple contact information pieces can be added.

Only one related contact block is allowed.  These contact blocks have already been developed and you just need to say which one you'd like to use. 

To change information on the contact block itself, you will need select that specific contact block by going to content, selecting contact block under content type and then looking for Media inquiries and going to edit.

Only one location is allowed 

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