About Microsoft 365 for RRU employees, contractors, and students

About Microsoft 365 for RRU employees, contractors, and students

Through Microsoft license agreements, RRU offers free (temporary) access to various Microsoft 365 software (previously called Office 365 or O365).

What is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based, cloud-powered productivity platform that includes Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive

As of August 2024, you will be required to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to log into Microsoft 365 using your RRU Login and password

You can find detailed instructions to install MFA here. Please return to this page once you have configured MFA.

Who is eligible for free (temporary) access to Office 365?

Who are you?

What license type/details

When will I lose access to Microsoft 365?

Who are you?

What license type/details

When will I lose access to Microsoft 365?

Employees including faculty

  • A5 license

  • full Microsoft 365 can be installed at home, on multiple devices, including mobile

  • already installed on RRU computers

  • login to http://office.com using your RRU Login & usual password to explore what’s available

The license will expire when you are no longer an employee.

Associate faculty and other contractors including Thesis Committee members and supervisors, while on an active contract / engaged with us

  • A1 license

  • access to online version of Office only

  • installations not permitted

  • login to http://office.com using your RRU Login & usual password to explore what’s available

The license will expire when you are no longer active with us.

Students active in a credit program*

  • Microsoft 365 Education A5 Student Use Benefit (A5 for short)

  • full Microsoft 365 can be installed at home, on multiple devices, including mobile

The license will expire when you are no longer active with us.


*Students enrolled in non-credit programs/courses through Professional and Continuing Studies are not eligible for free access to Office 365. 

What are the system requirements?

Microsoft recommends:

Operating System


Operating System



Windows 10 or higher

1.6 GHz processor or faster


200 MB disk space (hard drive)


Ventura (or later)

Intel processor


10 GB disk space (hard drive)

Microsoft 365 may run more slowly on computers with the minimum requirements.

I understand, what do I do next?

If you understand your eligibility and wish to take advantage of the free, temporary offering of Microsoft 365, please proceed to the instructions to Log into your Office 365 Account.

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How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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