Microsoft Office 2016 / Office 365 FAQ

Microsoft Office 2016 / Office 365 FAQ


I am taking a continuing studies course at RRU, am I eligible for an Office 365 License?

Unfortunately only students that are taking full credit courses are eligible for this deal.

Can I download Microsoft Office to my computer?

yes and no depending on your relationship with RRU

Credit Students - Yes, on up to 5 computers and 5 mobile devices

Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS) students - No, you do not have an Office 365 license

Staff/Faculty/Professors/Temp - Yes, on up to 5 computers and 5 mobile devices

Associate Faculty, Contractors, Thesis / dissertation supervisors/committee members - No, online access only.

What is my username for Office 365?

Your Microsoft Office 365 username is your regular RRU Login + @royalroads.ca .

So Student J12smith will enter j12smith@royalroads.ca

What is my password for Office 365?  How do I reset it?

Your Microsoft Office 365 password is the same password you use for your RRU login.  The one you use to log into an RRU computer or Moodle.

You can reset your password by following this procedure.  Please remember that if you change your password for Office 365, you are changing your password for Moodle.  


If your browser remembers your Moodle password, there are ways to find that password rather then resetting your password. Please contact Computer Services for assistance or do a google search for "Browser name + manage passwords" where browser name is the name of the browser you use.

When I start (Excel, Word, Powerpoint) I get a list of "Recent" documents.  Where can I find that list again after I open a document?

The "Recent Workbooks" list will appear when you click File --> Open

I used to be able to "pin" recent documents so I could find them later, how do I do that in Office 2013 / Office 365?

When you hover your mouse over a document in the initial "Recent" list (when you start the Office application) or in the "Recent" list when you press File --> Open, you will see a small push-pin appear.  Press the icon to pin the document.  

"Pinned" document will appear at the top of the "recent" lists in your office application.

Where can I find Clipart?

It appears that clipart is no longer include with the software when it is installed.  Instead the clipart is found using a customizable Bing search.  To find “clipart”:

  • Select the Insert tab

  • Click on the Online Pictures button

  • Type the name of the image you would like to insert in the the Search Bing field and press Enter.

Now you can select the image you want from the list.

There are also many sites that offer some free and paid clipart, including https://openclipart.org/

I installed Office 365 on my Mac but I cannot find Microsoft Access or Microsoft Publisher.

Microsoft Access and Microsoft Publisher are currently not available for Mac.  As soon as they become available, you will be eligible to download the latest version.  If you need to use those products you must login to your Office 365 account on a Windows PC and install the software again.

Can I use Microsoft Office on my Chromebook?

To use Office on your Chromebook, install the Office mobile apps through the Google Play Store. If your Chromebook uses the Chrome Web Store instead, you can install Office Online to create, edit, and collaborate on your Office files in your browser.  Please see this article from Microsoft.

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How to Contact the Computer Services Department

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New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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