Microsoft 365: Unable to Switch Accounts or Log in with new RRU Microsoft Office 365 Account

Microsoft 365: Unable to Switch Accounts or Log in with new RRU Microsoft Office 365 Account

 A student using a Mac was unable to log into her Microsoft Office 365 with her new account because she got the following error: "Sorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer"

Some websites say the fix for this is to do the followng:

  1. Close all Office Applications
  2. Start the Keychain Access app.
  3. In the Search field, type Office  or MS.
  4. Delete any entries that are found.
    Note You should find between two and six entries.
  5. Exit the Keychain Access app, and then try to sign in to Office 2016 for Mac again with your new RRU Office 365 account name (username@royalroads.ca).

If this doesn't work, then another website offers this solution:

  1. Log onto the Office 365 website at portal.microsoftonline.com with your new RRU Office 365 account name (username@royalroads.ca)
  2. Look to the top right corner of you screen and click on the cog icon to the right of your name
  3. Select Office 365 Settings from the menu that appears
  4. On the new screen select Software on the left side and choose Office on the left of the screen
  5. Near the bottom of the screen you’ll see a button labeled Install.  Click that button and wait about 10 minutes for the install to take place
  6. The software will give you a progress indicator and you should not interrupt the install once started
  7. This should associate your RRU Office 365 account with the Microsoft Office software on your computer and you should then be able to authenticate to that software correctly

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