Images on the website

Images on the website

To help you use the right kind and size of image on various pages on the site, here is some important information.  If you have questions about these, please speak to your Marketing Specialist.

Page typeType of imageWidthHeightExamples
Home page

Hero carousel

(used by Marketing and Communications only)


Home pageFind a program or course1380px590px

?Introduction & land acknowledgement1200px1200px

News and events

Landing page

Hero image

The big image on the page


Landing page

Introduction image



Program detail landing page

Hero image

the big image on the page


Biography page (single page)

Biography listings

Faculty bio page (single page)

Faculty bio listings


Testimonial page (single page)

Testimonial listings

Bio image1200px1200px

Square dimensions. Will scale properly across devices. Large enough to share on social media.

This type of image is used for bio listings, testimonials

Text and media block

368px minimumno restriction

will proportionally scale the image to fit the width based on the current screen size

Media block
668px minimumno restriction

will proportionally scale the image to fit the width based on the current screen size


<content coming soon>


<content coming soon>

How to add an image

<content coming soon>

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To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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