Adobe CC Crash While Loading (Mac)

Adobe CC Crash While Loading (Mac)

This Confluence article is beneficial when Adobe applications crash as you are opening the software. 
This may also beneficial for customers experiencing a crash after upgrading or exchanging license.

Please note, you will need customers desktop password and internet access.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Close out all adobe applications, verify ALL residue has been close via terminal 

  2. Click the "Go" tab and scroll down the list to "Go To Folder", type "~/library" Click "Go"

  3. click "Application Support" and right-click "Adobe", Click "Get Info"

  4. A new window will appear, navigate to the bottom on the list Click ">Sharing & Permissons" 

  5. The list will extend, unlock the "Sharing & Permissons" selection by clicking the Lock symbol 

  6. Enter the password of the desktop, and click "Ok"

  7. Click the + icon in the bottom left hand corner 

  8. Select "HelpDeskAdmin", in the Privileges column click "Read Only" and change it to "Read & Write" and exit the window

  9. Double click Adobe folder (Library/Application Support/Adobe) use the search bar to delete file named "Operating config", Close window 

  10. Use the following link to download Adobe-licensing-toolkit (https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/enterprise/kb/sdl-launch-error.html)

  11. Once download is complete, move file to desktop for easy access. Open "Terminal" drag and drop the file, and type " --deactivate"

    The script should look similar to this "/Users/helpdeskadmin/Desktop/adobe-licensing-toolkit --deactivate"
    Alternative scripts- "sudo adobe-licensing-toolkit --deactivate" Or "/Users/helpdeskadmin/Desktop/adobe-licensing-toolkit --l"

  12. If done correctly Terminal will respond with : 

    Adobe Licensing Toolkit (
    Operation Complete

  13. Load software once again. If crash is persistent, contact Adobe IT support "https://adminconsole.adobe.com/81AC13025C82A4A80A495CC4@AdobeOrg/support".

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