Create a Personal Distribution List

Create a Personal Distribution List

A personal distribution list allows you to create your own personalized e-mail distribution list of internal and/or external e-mail addresses.  This can be very useful feature for communicating with groups of people where it is not appropriate to have a publicly available distribution list.

Creating a Distribution list

  1. With Outlook open up your Contact List (Ctrl-3)
  2. Click the New Contact Group button
  3. Type the name of the new distribution list
  4. Click on the Add Members button to choose which contacts to add
    From Outlook Contcts - List of email addresses you have created
    From Address Book - List of email addresses in our global address list
    New Email Contact - Allows you to create a new Outlook Contact and add it to the distribution list
  5. When you are done entering the names, press the Save and Close button

For more information on using and organizing your outlook contacts, please visit: http://office.microsoft.com/training/training.aspx?AssetID=RC011036431033

Sending your Personal Distribution list to someone else

You can send your Personal Distribution List to another user.

The steps to follow in Outlook are:

  1. Open up your Contacts (ctrl-3)
  2. Right-Click on the distribution list, and select Forward Contact --> As an Outlook Contact
  3. Now compose your message as normal and hit Send
  4. The recipient will need to open the Distribution List attachment (double-click) and click Save and Close.

Important note:

This is not a replacement to having a global RRU Distribution List created.  This is for special purposes when you need to email the same people (internal and external) frequently.  A Personal Distribution List will not be shared in the Global Address List.

If you want a new Distribution List added to the Global list on the Outlook server so others can share it, so our article on Requesting a new Global Distribution list.

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New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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