Add/edit an event for United Way

Add/edit an event for United Way

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on an Event page.


You must be logged in to the main website or our people website to add content.  

If you're adding content, you must have selected Event from the list of page types in the add new content step.

If you're editing content, you must have opened an existing Event page.

Adding or editing an event for the United Way campaign is almost identical to adding an event for Crossroads but needs just a few extra pieces of information. 

Same as Crossroads - enter your title and a feature image.

Except in rare cases, please always use an attractive picture in a UW event so that it looks interesting and brightens up the web page.

Enter the start date/time and the end date/time.

If this is a weekly draw kind of event, start it at 2pm on whatever day is appropriate and end it at 2:15.

If you have several things happening on one day (like a kickoff meeting during which there are multiple prize draws), you might want to define several events with the following date/times:

  • Event 1 - Kickoff - 2022-19-19 1:00:00 PM to 2:00:00 PM
  • Event 2 - Draw # 1 - 2022-19-19 1:15:00 PM to 1:30:00 PM
  • Event 3 - Draw # 2 - 2022-19-19 1:30:00 PM to 1:45:00 PM

Events are sorted by date/time so this forces these three events to be displayed in the order that they happen.

If you had 10 draws during the kickoff, use a 5 minute time range instead of a 15 minute one.

For events that aren't ticket draws, use the actual start date/time and end date/time whether that spans a few hours, one day, or many days.

Choose an appropriate 'Event delivery'. If a ticket draw is not online... or in person (at least right now because of Covid), choose 'not applicable' for the delivery.

Other web content in Our People will remain even as new content is added. An example is content related to Safety. Or forms that are added by HR as necessary.

But for the UW campaign, we aren't building on or adding to our content for events (though we may for other kinds of content, like Basic pages). So, each year, as we prepare for the next campaign, we'll simply reuse existing events.

When resetting these kinds of events for the next campaign, edit each event, changing the date/time to whatever applies to the current campaign.

If an event is happening in a specific place - such as the duck race or a ticket draw - enter the location in the 'Event address'.

Choose 'United Way' as the event category. This causes the event to be shown on the 'United Way Events' listing page.

IF this is a ticket draw event, hold down the CTRL key and click on 'United Way prize winner' to also select that category. This simply displays the name of the winner on the event.

Enter the name of the prize winner in the space provided.

Other web content in Our People will remain even as new content is added. An example is content related to Safety. Or forms that are added by HR as necessary.

But for the UW campaign, we aren't building on or adding to our content for events (though we may for other kinds of content, like Basic pages). So, each year, as we prepare for the next campaign, we'll simply reuse existing events.

When resetting these kinds of events for the next campaign, edit each event, unselect 'United Way prize winner', and remove the person's name from the space.

Add a media block, text block, or accordian block. Or add all three. You know what you want.

Refer to the Add an events page for Crossroads for more information about those.

United Way events don't usually require registration so you can ignore that. But if it ever does require registration, you can read more about how that works in this page about Public facing events.

We haven't been using the Related news section for UW events but if we wanted to start doing that, we would click on 'Add Related news', then find the story that relates to the event. I suppose that might make sense if we had an event like 'Period Promise' and we wanted to link to a related story on the UWSVI website. But for our own internal events, I can't see us needing to do this.

Finally, choose 'Published' and hit Save.

You're done!

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