Add/edit a public facing event

Please refer to the Content Page Types list to see which components are available on an Event page.


You must be logged in to add content.  

If you're adding content, you must have selected Event from the list of page types in the add new content step.

If you're editing content, you must have opened an existing Event page.

A finished Event page has two parts, divided into tabs - the description and the registration:

When the reader clicks on the 'Registration' tab from the main Event page, they'll see this screen and it's here they can register for the event. They can toggle back to the Description information by clicking on that tab.

The Description Tab

When you are creating a new event page or editing an existing one, your screens will look like this (notice that you are using the "edit" option, which is the default starting point) :

The helpful hints under each field will help guide you to enter the right information.

Below that, you'll see 3 collapsed sections, like this:

We'll expand them each in turn below:

Event Information

The event will be displayed on our site until the end date/time has been reached, at which point, it will drop off the site automatically.  The event information will not be deleted - it will simply 'expire' and will no longer be visible to viewers.

Can you find this date/time, the content type and the meeting type on the finished page shown at the top of this article?  Compare the information in the data entry screen to the information displayed on the page to understand how these are connected.

In the screen shown below, you'll enter a description for your event and indicate if it is private or not.  If this is a private event, it will not be shown to the general public - if you want people to know about it, you'll need to send them an email with a direct link to the information.

Contact call to action

If a call to action button is needed, you will fill in the fields below.  (there is no call to action in our example above, but you might need to use this if you want people to download a PDF or refer to a different page or publication)

Related content

If there is related content to highlight here, enter the information in the fields below (there is no related content showing in our example):

You're almost ready to publish, but before you do, update the fields in the upper right of your page, if necessary:

You've entered all the descriptive information you want to share. 

Set up event details

Now, set up the event details so that people can self-register:

You'll recall that we were working in the "Edit" section of this page. Find the "Event" menu item and click on it:

You'll see this screen:

Check 'Event Registration' if you want to enable event registrations.

Check 'Accept new registrations' if you want to accept registrants

Indicate if there is a maximum number of attendees in the limited field (ie. perhaps your Zoom room has a cap of 300 or you want to keep the group at a maximum of 25 so that the event is easier to manage).

The "reply to email address" is the default system address, which you won't be able to check.  If you want to monitor any replies that come in so that you can answer questions etc., consider using your departmental generic address here.

In the field "Maximum registrants", enter a 1 if an individual can only register themselves vs. registering themselves + some guests.

Once you've entered all that essential information, click Save.

When a reader clicks on the Register" tab, they'll enter their email address etc. to register.  You cannot manage what's on that screen.  If you click on the "Register" menu item, you'll see the same screen that the visitor sees.

You're finished setting up your event description and event details.  Please visit the publishing options page to determine your next step.

Event information will be displayed on a listing page, the purpose of which is to gather similar items together for display.  Such a page might look like this:

You're published!  What now?

Great!  You've published your event information and people are visiting your page. Congratulations!

What happens as people register?

As people register, they leave their email addresses and possibly some other information depending on their relationship with us, as explained above.

They receive an email (automatically) with a link to the event and if you entered one, a passcode to use to get in when it's time.

Who registered?

After the event has been published, you'll want to check back here to see how many people have registered.  To do that, log into the site, come back to this page, and choose "Edit".  In the menu bar, choose "Registrant's list" at the far right:

The system has been keeping track of who registered so that you can get an attendee list and so that the CRM can be updated. 

As of May 30, 2021, the CRM will be updated manually with the information from the registrant's list, which is exportable as a CSV file. 

Later, we hope to update the CRM automatically.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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