GuardCard Issues on Identicam Computer

GuardCard Issues on Identicam Computer

Some possible issues with the GuardCard software on the Identicam Computer

Why am I getting the error "Unable to write to license file"?

This usually happens while being logged into Windows XP Pro with an account that does not have Local Administrative or Power User privileges.  These privileges are required to have full access to EPI Suite.  As an alternative, administrators can give all users full access to the Imageware Systems folder, found in Program Files on the install drive.

When we try to open Guard Card on the Identicam machine this morning, we are getting a "Software Licensing Error"

It looks like the card username was removed from the PC’s local admin group. The issues was resolved yesterday by granting the card user full access to the Imageware Systems folder as per http://iwsinc.com/support-updates/iws-epi-suite-frequently-asked-questions/

Create a new desktop icon pointing to "C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageWare Systems\EPISUITE\6\GACard.exe"

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