What is my MyAdmin Username?

What is my MyAdmin Username?

Your Lifelong Learning (MyAdmin) account provides on-demand access to many administrative services you may require during your lifetime as a prospect/applicant, as a student and as an alumni.  This persistent account is available to you life long regardless of whether you are taking a current program or not.

Prospect or applicant

  • Your username is the personal email address you used to apply with us.


  • Use the personal email address you used to apply with us, or
  • Use your RRU Academic Account username and password. 

Both will give you the same information.


This personal email address is also your forwarding email address.  If you have forwarding on, then where ever your RRU email is arriving, that is the email address you should use to log into MyAdmin.


  • You must use the personal email address where your RRU email was forwarded while you attended university.

Forgotten your password and username?  

  • Enter an email address and click on the Forgot your password? link on the MyAdmin page.  
  • We will validate the email address and send you a new password.  
  • If you have entered the wrong email address, then you will receive a warning in the orange box and you can try a different email address.

Back to MyAdmin

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How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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