What can I expect to see when I log in with my MyAdmin Account

What can I expect to see when I log in with my MyAdmin Account

Once you have logged in as a student, you will see the following:

Left Menu for Active Student

(This menu can have more or less items according to the season)


 General Information

 General Address

Please note that you can no longer manage email forwarding on the MyAdmin site.  Management is now done directly on the Outlook website.

 Change Password

 Change Security Questions

 Photo Upload

This will bring the student to the go.royalroads.ca site.  In order to log in, they must use the same email address and password that they use to log into MyAdmin.  They cannot log into go.royalroads.ca with their Academic Account username and password.

This is a 4 step process. Each step must be completed before the next step is available. 

Here are the screen shots once they click on "Launch the photo App"



Opens a new tab with the application (note the menus change).  They need to go back to the original tab to return to the full menu


Opens a new tab with the application (note the menus change).  They need to go back to the original tab to return to the full menu




 Payment (due)

 Payment (no payment due)




MyInternational Tuitions

Only available to international students


Only Available when student has an eligible tax receipt. Only appears late February of the following year.




MyConvocation (seasonal)

Not available at all times

 When Closed

 When open

When they press "Launch my Convocation App" this will bring the student to the go.royalroads.ca site. 

In order to log in, they must use the same email address and password that they use to log into MyAdmin.  They cannot log into go.royalroads.ca with their Academic Account username and password.

You must complete the info in each step before you can proceed

If a student clicks Cancel Application on this screen, they must start over.

If they hit complete, they get the following screen and must hit Submit Application for the application to be complete.

If they try to return to MyConvocation on the left menu, they will get the following screen.


Opens a new browser tab to https://www.royalroads.ca/accommodations


Clicking on Get Started pens a new browser tab to https://www.royalroads.ca/accommodations


 Apply for a Parking Permit

 Change my Vehicle Information



MyExtension Request 
