SAM Account (RRU Login) Passphrase - Students

SAM Account (RRU Login) Passphrase - Students

For Students

Your SAM Account (also called RRU Login or Moodle) is the account you use to log into most systems.

Your SAM account is your responsibility so don't give your passphrase to anyone! Create a passphrase that is memorable to you but not too easy for someone else to figure out. It is recommended that you use strong passphrases and change them at least every six months.

How to Change Your passphrase:

Off-campus or in Residence:

  • Go to Change My Passphrase on the Computer Services website.
  • Enter your RRU SAM account username and existing passphrase.
  • Enter the New passphrase and Confirm New passphrase fields - make sure they are the same!
  • Click Submit (Once please, you will receive an email and a new passphrase each time you click the button).
  • Please wait at least 15 minutes for the change to replicate through the RRU servers.  This will help to avoid access issues.

On Campus:

  • Log on to one of the lab computers
  • Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete
  • Select the change passphrase option and change your passphrase.
  • Please note:  It may take at least 15 minutes for the change to replicate through the RRU servers.

Forgot your passphrase?

  • If your account is locked out, you must contact Computer Services to have the account unlocked
  • Go to Reset your passphrase.
  • Enter your RRU SAM account username and 6-digit RRU Student #.
  • Click Submit.
  • This will send a temporary passphrase to the external (non-RRU) email address we have on file for you.  Please wait at least 15 minutes before you attempt to change it.  This will help to avoid access issues.

My Browser remembers my password, how can I find what it is?

The ability for the browser/computer to remember the password is both helpful and a curse because many of us forget the passwords since the browser/computer does all the work. This can mean the password you think it is, is not actually the password. This is a very common issue.

So sometimes it is better to get the browser/computer to reveal the password, rather then change it.

If your browser remembers your password, you can get your browser to reveal the password. Just do a Google search for "<browser name> Saved passwords" where <browser name> is the name of the browser you are using to log into Moodle. This will give you detailed instructions on how to reveal the saved passwords.  (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari)

If the computer remembers the password, open the password utility and search for the site that you are able to log into and see what password is saved. (Maybe it is the operating system that is remembering your password? WindowsMac)

Once you find the password list, search your passwords for your RRU username and write down any passwords associated with Royalroads.ca websites. If there are different passwords, write them all down.

Once you have written them all down, go to Moodle - https://moodle.royalroads.ca/moodle (ior whatever website that works) and enter each password in manually till you find the one that works. (Please note that if your browser asks you if you want to save the password, do not hit yes, unless the password works and you are successfully logged in.)

If you do not know your RRU Student ID Number, please contact the Registrar's Office by phone at 250 391-2505 or 1-800-788-8028 to request your Student ID Number.

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