Moodle - Assignment Overrides (staff/faculty)
How to grant assignment extensions to students when using a Moodle assignment (or Quiz) activity. This will allow you to set the due date of an assignment for specific students to a later date to give them more time. Once the override is granted, affected students will see updated due dates when they view the assignment activity and the new date will appear on their calendar.
(See also Granting Assignment Extensions - which can be done from the gradebook)
Use the following steps to apply an assignment due date override:
1. Navigate to the Assignment page
To change the due date for an individual or group assignment, first go to the Assignments activity.
2. Click ‘More’
From the Assignments activity, select the ‘More’ dropdown.
3. Select Overrides under ‘More’
Click on the Course administration drop down menu (gear icon on the top right of the screen). Then, select Group overrides (for group assignments) or User overrides (for individual assignments).
4. Click "Add user override"
5. Select the student you wish to apply an override to.
6. Adjust the due date/time
This page allows you to select the user or group and the details of the override.
Select the "Enable" check box on the right hand side of the due date row.
Change the due date to the new due date.
Click "Save" to apply the assignment override.
It is also possible to change “Allow submissions from”, “Cut-off dates” and “Time limits”
Follow a similar process for a Quiz activity.
If students are in a particular group, change user overrides to group overrides in Step 4.
Assignment overrides do not persist after a course backup/restore
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