Moodle - H5P

Moodle - H5P

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H5P is an interactive media tool developed by Joubel and integrated into Moodle. It allows you to create media that your students will interact with, like interactive videos, flash cards and image hotspots (and much more). These objects can be added to your Moodle course and student progress through them can be tracked.

In Moodle H5P activities are developed in two steps: 

1. creating an H5P media object or uploading an H5P object in the Content bank; and 

2. adding an H5P media object from the Content bank to your Moodle course site.

Create H5P in the Content bank

You should always review the relevant H5P tutorial before creating a specific H5P content type for the first time.

  1. Log into your Moodle course and from the left-side navigation, select 'Content bank'.

  2. From the 'Add' drop-down menu, select the H5P type you would like to create.

    H5P Add Menu

  3. Create your H5P object.

  4. When your object is complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Save’.
    H5P Bottom Save Button

Download and upload H5P content to your Content bank

You can download an H5P object from a repository (e.g. eCampus Ontario) or from any H5P object with the ‘Reuse’ link enabled.

  1. Find an H5P example you would like to use and that has been licensed to share.

  2. Select the 'Reuse' link in the bottom left corner.

    H5P Reuse Link

  3. Click ‘Download as an .h5p file’. The file should download to your computer.
    Download as .h5p file

  4. In the left-side navigation, select 'Content bank'.

  5. Select the 'Upload' button

    H5P Upload

  6. Select the H5P file to be uploaded (via drag and drop or use 'Choose a file...') and select 'Save changes'.
    Save Changes

  7. You can now select 'Edit' to make changes to the object, or 'Close' to finish and add it to the Content bank.
    Edit or Close Buttons

Add H5P to Moodle in the activity picker

  1. On the home page of your Moodle course, make sure editing is turned on.

  2. Within the appropriate course section select the 'Add an activity or resource' link.

  3. Select 'H5P' from the activity picker.
    Activity Picker H5P

  4. Enter a name for this H5P instance, a description is optional.
    H5p Activity Name

  5. In the 'Package file' area select the File picker icon.
    File Picker Icon

  6. (Note - on this page you can also select the 'content bank' link to edit or create an H5P file)

  7. In the pop-up window select 'Content bank'.
    H5P Content Bank

  8. Select the desired H5P file.

  9. In the new pop-up window you have the option of making a copy of the H5P file for the instance you are adding to Moodle, or creating a shortcut to the existing file. If you use the shortcut, edits to the file in the Content bank will be reflected in this instance. When you are happy with the settings on this window, click on 'Select this file'.
    H5P Select this File

  10. Configure other settings on this page. Note that if you don't want this H5P object to be included in the gradebook, under 'Grade' set Type to 'None'.
    H5P Other Settings

  11. At the bottom of the page select 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and display'.
    H5P Save and Return to Course

Add H5P to Moodle in the text editor

You can add an H5P media object when you create or edit a Moodle resource or activity, or when you create a forum post.

  1. In the Moodle text editor place the cursor at the desired location and select the H5P icon.
    H5P ATTO Button

  2. Set your H5P options and then select 'Browse repositories'.
    H5P Browse Repositories

  3. On the pop-up window, choose ‘Content Bank’ on the left side and then select the H5P file you wish to embed.
    H5P File Selection

  4. In the new pop-up window you have the option of making a copy of the H5P file for the instance you are adding to Moodle, or creating a shortcut to the existing file. If you use the shortcut, edits to the file in the Content bank will be reflected in this instance. When you are happy with the settings on this window, click on 'Select this file'.
    H5P Create shortcut and Select File

  5. Select 'Insert H5P'.
    Insert H5P Button

  6. Continue editing the Moodle activity or resource and then select 'Save and return to course' or 'Save and display'.
    H5P Save and Display

Add H5P content to a Moodle Quiz question

There is a bug in Moodle preventing H5P content from being inserted into Moodle Quiz questions using the insert H5P button in the toolbar. The following video explains how to work around this bug and add H5P content to your Moodle Quiz questions.

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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