Moodle My Media - How to share a video or audio file in Moodle


This article will show you how to upload and share video and audio files (that have already been recorded) directly into your My Media library in Moodle. You can record using your phone or device.

You can also download My Media's Kaltura Capture desktop recorder software to record from your computer screen, webcam, or microphone. You can also embed video, audio and narrated presentations created using Kaltura Capture. Once the media is embedded in a Moodle page, it will play on the page.

You can share and embed media anywhere that there is a text editor box (where you would normally write text).

This can include a forum discussion post, page, book chapter, etc. Others will see the video when they navigate to the forum discussion or to the activity.

To learn how to share a video or audio file, watch this video or read step-by-step instructions (below).

1. Find the Media button in the text editor

Look for and click on the Embed Media button in the text editor. 

This will take you too your My Media library. From here, you can add media that was uploaded previously, created using the Kaltura Capture desktop recorder, or upload new media from your computer.

Follow these steps to upload video from your computer (jump to step 2 if the media is already in your My Media library)

  • Click Add New (top right) and select Media Upload from the drop-down menu.

  • Choose a new file to upload. 
  • Find and select the video you want to upload. 
  • Click Save and then Back to Browse and Embed. 
  • Your video will now be available in your My Media library. From here, you can add the video by clicking Select. You can also choose the size of the video. 

Note: New videos may take some time to process, this process depends on the quality and length of the video; higher quality and longer recordings will mean that it will take longer to process. You may embed a video before it has finished processing. At first the embedded video will display "Error: No source video was found - Entry in process", but that error message will automatically go away once video processing has completed.

2. Select the media to embed

Note! If while following this step you experience an error saving the embed please refer to Moodle My Media - Troubleshooting Kaltura Capture.

In your My Media library, go to the media you want to embed, click either Select or the arrow to open the drop down menu. Choose the size of the player window you want to embed.

3. Confirm the preview, click the Embed button.

4. The embedded media will now appear in the text editor where you added it.

Save changes or Post to forum if you are in a forum.

The example below shows a forum post, you should now be able to see the video player and play back your video. Audio recordings will not show a thumbnail picture.

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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