Moodle My Media - How to find your un-played videos

  1. Go to your 'My Media' repository after logging in to Credit or PCS Moodle, or after logging into the MediaSpace portal.

    1. In Moodle select 'My Media' in the banner across the top.



    2. In MediaSpace select 'My Media' from the drop-down list below your name.



  2. Your media items will be displayed in the 'Detailed view'. Switch to the 'Table view' (using the icons at the top of the page) to see how many plays each media file has had.

  3. If you have lots of media items, select 'Sort By: Plays' in the 'Filters' area in the upper left.


  4. Scroll to the bottom of your list to see any videos with zero plays.

  5. If you have a video with zero plays and you would like to keep it, follow these steps.

    1. Select the video title (you can open it in a new tab to save your spot in your media list).


    2. In the video page, select the play button to start the video and let it run for a few seconds before stopping.


    3. Your video will show as having one play a few hours later.

  6. If you have a video with any number of plays that you no longer need, there are two ways you can delete them.

    1. Select the ‘Delete’ icon on the far right of the video’s row to delete it.

    2. Select multiple videos to be deleted and then, from the ‘Actions’ drop-down menu, select ‘Delete’.

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

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