Moodle My Media - How to create a narrated presentation (using Kaltura Capture)

Moodle My Media - How to create a narrated presentation (using Kaltura Capture)

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narrated presentation is a recording of a presentation (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation) with voice-over at the same time. You can also record yourself speaking so the viewer sees your slides and you delivering the presentation. Narrated presentations may be useful for recording lectures, student presentations, etc. 

You can record a narrated presentation directly from your My Media page. To do this, you will need to install the My Media application called Kaltura Capture. Once you have made your recording, you can upload to your My Media library and embed it anywhere the Moodle text editor is available. 

Your presentation slides (i.e. PowerPoint in .PPTX or .PPT format) need to be prepared in advance. 

To learn how to make a narrated presentation, watch this video or read step-by-step instructions (below).

How to create a narrated presentation

1. Open Kaltura Capture

  • Log into Moodle, click on My Media in the top navigation bar to view your media library:

  • From the My Media window, click on Add New and then Kaltura Capture.

kaltura capture

3. Select the recording options in the Kaltura Capture desktop recorder

  • In the recorder window, decide which options to leave on - you can record the screen (or multiple screens), a webcam and an audio source. In the picture below, the screen and audio are enabled and will be recorded.
  • Disable any options by clicking the icon (it will look greyed out with a line across it).
  • By default, the webcam is turned on, click the camera icon to disable it or leave it on to record yourself while speaking.

  • For an overview of the recording options, please go to Moodle My Media - Kaltura Capture Keyboard Shortcuts.

kaltura screen settings

3. Look over your settings & click NEW RECORDING to record

  • To view the settings, click MANAGE to go into the Kaltura Library.

kaltura manage

  • Select the Gear icon and update any settings if needed.

kaltura settings

4. Open the presentation file that you wish to use

  • Click the New Recording button to start recording.

new recording

  • Click the Start Recording button

  • A 3-second countdown timer will indicate when recording will begin. To ensure that nothing is cut off from the beginning, it is a good idea to wait an extra second before you begin speaking.

kaltura count down

  • Put the presentation into Slide Show mode (full screen)

kaltura powerpoint

4. Record and navigate through your slides

  • The slides will automatically be captured as chapters and the text, they will be indexed and searchable later on in the player.
  • Click the slide to advance to the next slide or use the left and right arrow keys to move back and forth.

powerpoint full screen

5. Annotating your slides

  • In the recording menu, look for the pencil icon to open the annotation tools.

annotation pencil

  • Use the annotation tools to draw attention to or highlight the slide’s content.
  • Your mouse pointer and the PowerPoint laser pointer will not appear in the recording, use the Cursor arrow in the annotation tools instead.
  • When you are done with the annotations, click the Pencil icon again to return to the cursor mode. For more information, go to Kaltura's notes on the annotations tools.

button explainations

6. Click Stop Recording to finish recording

  • Click the square to stop recording.
  • The red circle is to temporarily pause. You may also pause or resume the recording by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+R.
  • Click the X to cancel and start again.

          stop recording

  • It will prompt you to save the recording, select "Yes, stop it".
  • Exit presentation:
    • If you don't see the recording bar anymore, press ESC key to exit full screen mode and return to the desktop.
    • If you have minimized the Kaltura Capture recording bar during your recording it will be in your Tray (PC) or dock (Mac). The tray and dock are the list of icons usually arranged at the bottom of the screen. Look for the Kaltura icon.

7. Name & save your recording

  • Give your recording a title in the Title field. 
  • Optionally, you may add a description and tags.
  • Clicking SAVE & UPLOAD will upload the recording to My Media and also save it in the Kaltura Capture library.
  • Clicking SAVE will save it in the Kaltura Capture library where you can upload later to My Media.
  • Important Note: DELETE will remove it from your computer. It will not go into your Recycle Bin and can't be retrieved. Make sure you have either uploaded it into My Media or you would like it to be deleted. Deleting it from My Media will also remove it and can't be retrieved.

kaltura save and upload

Kaltura Capture keyboard shortcuts

Refer to Moodle My Media - Kaltura Capture Keyboard Shortcuts for handy keyboard shortcuts, including how to record without the Kaltura Capture recorder appearing in your recording.

How to view your recording in My Media

1.  Go back to My Media

  • After uploading the recording to My Media, go back to Moodle, click on My Media in the left side navigation drawer.
  • If you don't see the recording in your My Media library right away, try clicking the refresh button:

mymedia refresh

2. View the video recording

  • Click the title to view the recording.

kaltura view recording

  • The chapters and slides have been automatically added. Click the 3 bars located in the top left corner of the player window to open the panel.

media player hamburger menu

  • The panel also includes the Search box. You can search for specific text and it will jump to that specific area of the video.

search box

  • To close the panel, click the 3 bars again.

close hamburger menu

If you have recorded the webcam with your screen, the player will show you multiple interactive viewing options such as Toggle Views Picture-in-Picture, Side-by-Side, and Single View.

Look for the Toggle View options in the top right of the screen to toggle between the presentation and any webcam video.

Kaltura video on how to record a presentation

How to edit your recording

If you'd like to edit your recording please refer to Moodle My Media - How to edit media recordings (Kaltura Capture).

How to embed the recording of your presentation

To embed your narrated presentation in Moodle, please see Moodle My Media - How to upload and share video & audio


For information on troubleshooting, please see Moodle My Media - Troubleshooting Kaltura Capture.

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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