Adding external supervisors and committee members to Chef

Adding external supervisors and committee members to Chef

After a supervisory committee nomination is approved in Thesis Manager or Dissertation Manager SharePoint the program area contact responsible for the thesis or dissertation will receive an email that includes the student’s name and who their committee includes.  This is their queue to begin onboarding the new supervisory committee members.

 *Disclaimer: for links to videos referenced below these maybe removed when they become outdated.  For up-to-date information at any time regarding CHEF please refer to the CHEF User Guide.


For program admin staff to proceed, School Managers will need to make sure that the administrative staff responsible for the thesis and/or dissertation process within their academic area have been assigned the role of delegate for contractors in CHEF. Please watch video 04 – My Team (for manager, resource administrators, delegates, and delegates for contractors) as it will guide you through the steps for assigning program staff to the role of delegate for contractor.

 Once a program staff member has been assigned as a delegate for contractor in CHEF,  they will be able to create a new resource for supervisors and committee members.  Video 06 – Creating a resource for a contractor will provide the necessary information on how to create a resource for a supervisor or committee member. When creating the new Resource type please keep the following in mind:

  1. All supervisors should be assigned as the resource type: Academic Contractor.

  2. All new external committee members should be assigned as the resource type: Guest.


  3. In the Job Title section please be sure to enter whether the person is a thesis/dissertation supervisor or thesis/dissertation committee member.

  4. Please be sure to select the most appropriate Primary Group information from the dropdown list provided (this is the same as CAMP)


 After the new resource record has been created for the supervisor or committee member the next step will be request their access to the Thesis Manager or Dissertation Manager SharePoint site. To do that, you will use the new Provisioning form found on the Our People site.

 For the purposes of the Provisioning form in the section asking for their relationship to RRU, all external supervisors and committee members will be considered contractors:

Please be sure to complete all fields marked with a red *

 A supervisor/committee member won’t need much (i.e., they won’t need a location on campus or access to the O:Drive) but they will need access to the Thesis Manager and Dissertation Manager SP sites.  In the section called “Attention: business owners of corporate applications” scroll down to the section called “Thesis and Dissertation Group” to select with site they will need access to: 

Once the form is submitted, I will be sent a notification to confirm their access to either SharePoint site.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the thesis & dissertation office.

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

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New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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