Chef: checking for duplicates
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In the My Team section of this documentation, we explained that you can tell if a person in your team works as an employee or a contractor in other units.
Chef can do that because it checks for possible duplicate entries, giving you an opportunity to identify that your 'new’ person already has/had a relationship with us.
Identifying possible duplicates
You can search for a person on the following fields:
Once you’ve entered the searchable information, Chef looks to see if someone already exists with either:
the Resource ID (resno)
that personal email address OR
that legal first/given name + last/family name
If so, Chef shows you some information to allow you to make a decision.
(resource number and address redacted for privacy)
-1- As in many places in Chef, there is a direct link to the User Guide.
-2- This person has a resource number, a computer account, and email address already (they are an active resource).
-3- If you determine that this is the same person you’re bringing on, choose ‘Use Account’.
-4- If you determine that your new person is not the same person that is suggested as a possible duplicate, choose ‘Create new resource’.
Selecting 'Use Account '
Right now, if you choose to use this account, you must use all existing information on file for this person including name, personal email address or physical address. You can follow existing processes to change those things if necessary. You can find information about making these changes in the My Team section of this guide.
Selecting ‘Create New Resource’
Please use the ‘Create New Resource’ option only if the person does not already exist in the system.
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Submit a ticket
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New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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