WebSpace - Logging In To Your WebSpace
Jason 1keddie
Cathy Pretorius
Daniel Nelson (Deactivated)
Each WebSpace has three URLs by default:
Your username will be used in the url and is associated with your Royal Roads academic account. Your username (which is usually your first initial and your last name, but may contain a number in front of your last name, for example: jsmith or j1smith), and RRU email address will be linked to your WebSpace site.
In the examples below, replace jsmith with your RRU username:
- Public view and site url - https://webspace.royalroads.ca/jsmith/
- Login page url - https://webspace.royalroads.ca/jsmith/wp-login.php, (substitute your username for jsmith into your favorite browser).
- RRS feed of your blog posts - https://webspace.royalroads.ca/jsmith/feed/
To learn how to log in and go directly to your site's home page, watch this video or read step-by-step (below):
To edit, there are a few ways of logging into your WebSpace, pick one of the options below:
Option 1: Log in directly - add your username and wp-login.php to the WebSpace url:
E.g. https://webspace.royalroads.ca/yourRRUusername/wp-login.php
- For example, using jsmith as the username, replace the above "yourRRUusername" with your username.
It will now look like this - https://webspace.royalroads.ca/jsmith
- Then add wp-login.php to the end and it will become this:
- Sign in using your Royal Roads academic account username and password, the same one that you use for Moodle. This is what the login screen looks like:
Although managed by Royal Roads, the WebSpace service is hosted by a FIPPA compliant Canadian web hosting company so we can take advantage of the top tier data centers and high infrastructure reliability. When you login to your hosted WebSpace, Royal Roads servers sync your name and email address. The first time you login, you will be asked to consent to this data sync. If you select the “Clear prior granting of permission for release of your information to this service” when you login successive times, you would be again asked for consent for the data sync otherwise you are only asked the first time you login.
Once you click ACCEPT, you are logged in!
- If you don't see your site, look in the top left under My Sites for your site and dashboard.
- You should now see your WebSpace site:
Option 2: META widget
- Or, look for the META widget in the left sidebar or footer of your site,
- click the Log in link in the widget,
- log in with your Royal Roads username and password.
- Click accept to continue.
Option 3: Go to the root site, https://webspace.royalroads.ca:
(MALAT students - go to https://malat-webspace.royalroads.ca instead)
- then click the Log In link in the top right area of your browser window.
- log in with your Royal Roads username and password.
- Click accept to continue.
Note: After logging in, if you don't see your WebSpace site and only see the root site, a site may not have been created yet for you. If your course is using WebSpace, contact your instructor or submit a support ticket online.
Now it is time to get to know the WordPress dashboard so you can start customizing your site and creating content.
Up next: Navigating the Dashboard
Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
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How to Contact the Computer Services Department
Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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