WebSpace - Embedding My Media Audio Files (mp3) into WordPress (Upload into My Media in Moodle First)

WebSpace - Embedding My Media Audio Files (mp3) into WordPress (Upload into My Media in Moodle First)

Topics Covered In This Article

Moodle: Upload your audio file

  1. Upload your audio .mp3 file into your My Media Library in Moodle first.

    In the top navigation drawer, look for My Media:

  2. Select Add New → Media Upload from the drop down menu. Follow the steps on screen.


  3. Once uploaded, click on the name of your file to see the options:


  4. Then under Share Tab, in the Embed code look for the the entry_ID number and letters, this will what you will be copying out:

e.g. it will look similar to this →  entry_id=0_xdftovuj

(do not include &flashvars... and anything after that)

Note: If you are using a smaller screen, the Share link will show up under the Details tab and drop down menu instead.

WordPress: Embed your audio file

  1. Log into the WordPress site that is being used in your course (link can be found in your Moodle course).

  2. In the side navigation, go to either Posts or Pages. Add New or Edit an existing post or page:


  3. In this example, we will be editing a Page.

    Copy and paste the following iframe shortcode (include the square brackets [ ] ):

    [iframe src="https://admin.video.ubc.ca/p/154/sp/15400/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/23449279/partner_id/154?iframeembed=true&playerId=kaltura_player&entry_id=0_xdftovuj" width="100%" height="27"]

  4. Replace the entry_ID number with yours (please do not bold it in the page or it won't work):

    [iframe src="https://admin.video.ubc.ca/p/154/sp/15400/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/23449279/partner_id/154?iframeembed=true&playerId=kaltura_player&entry_id=0_xdxdxdxd" width="100%" height="27"]


  5. Click Update to save it.

  6. View the page. You can click the permalink to view the page and it will convert the text and show the audio player:

Note to WordPress super admins (CTET): The iframe plugin must be enabled on the WordPress site in order for the shortcode to work.

About the roles:

  • The user's role must be set to Editor to view and edit both Posts and Pages.
  • The Contributor and Author roles can only view and edit Posts.

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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