WebSpace - Navigating The Dashboard

WebSpace - Navigating The Dashboard

Once you have logged in, bring up the dashboard.  Click on "MySites" in the upper left, then "WebSpace Your Name" and "Dashboard".  You might be doing this a lot...


There are three dashboard areas to make note of.  The "Admin Bar" which runs along the top of the screen, "Dashboard Navigation" running down the left hand side and the centre "Widget Area".

Admin Bar

The top bar shows the name of your site and commonly used screens. You can quickly access pending comments, add a new post, and your profile.

Dashboard Navigation

In the side menu, the top half of the menu has links related to writing your content and customizing your site's appearance. This includes Posts, Media, Pages, and Appearance. The bottom half of the menu contains settings for the site, this includes the Users, Tools, Settings, and WP Edit.

Centre Widget Area

This screen gives you an overview of your site. There are widgets for At a Glance, Activity, Recent Commons, Posts, Pages, Quick draft, and WordPress events and news.

Up next, WebSpace - Creating Content, Pages, And Posts.

Content on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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