Cathy Pretorius
Jason 1keddie
Karyn Lemberg
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a video-conferencing tool. Using Zoom, students and instructors can connect synchronously in a virtual face-to-face environment.
How can Zoom be used to enhance teaching and learning?
Zoom can be used to create a virtual classroom where participants can share documents, collaborate on projects, and communicate via chat, video, and voice in real time. Zoom can be useful for virtual office hours, team meetings, weekly check-ins, online classes, and more. For more ideas about how Zoom can be used, contact your CTET instructional designer.
Need a Zoom license?
Faculty/Staff - If you'd like to create your own Zoom meetings, request an RRU Zoom license here.
Students - Groups or teams that need to host virtual meetings may use their preferred tool. Student teams who would like to use Zoom but don't have access to a Zoom license may have a student team member request an RRU Zoom license here.
Useful Tips and Info
- Participants do not need Zoom licenses to join Zoom meetings.
- When using Zoom in Moodle, we recommend using the Zoom meeting activity, which has many advantages
- We recommend joining Zoom meetings using the Zoom desktop client (not the web client).
- The simplest way to ensure that your computer is set up is to use Zoom is to Join a Zoom Test Meeting. This will also allow you to explore the interface.
- Refer to the Zoom system requirements page if you're wondering whether your device will run Zoom.
- If you need to record a session, we recommend cloud recordings. Cloud recordings are more reliable and are easily shared via link.
- RRU Zoom cloud recordings and transcripts are stored in Canada.
- RRU Zoom licenses have a default meeting capacity of 300 participants (contact CTET if you requre more for a special event)
- Zoom supports up to 100 breakout rooms (new as of Feb 2023)
Zoom Information
Information for everyone
- RRU: Zoom: How to sign in
Zoom: Basic In-Meeting Navigation (4:07 mins)
Zoom: Zoom Meeting Layouts and Views (3:09 mins)
Zoom: Zoom Audio and Video Basics (2:40 mins)
Zoom: Test Your Audio Settings (2:30 mins)
Zoom: Zoom In-Meeting Chat and Reactions (4:50 mins)
Information for hosts
- RRU: Zoom: How to add a Zoom meeting to your course with the Zoom Meeting activity
- Zoom: Share Your Screen, Video, or Audio (3:41 mins)
Zoom: Recording to the Cloud (3:34 mins)
Zoom: Pinning and Spotlighting Participants (2:39 mins)
Zoom: Polling for Zoom Meetings and Webinars (4:08 mins)
Zoom: Breakout rooms (5:33 mins)
Zoom: Waiting rooms in Zoom (4:28 mins)
RRU: How to download a Zoom cloud recording and embed it in Moodle using Kaltura My Media
- RRU: How to enable Auto-transcription
Use a headset or earbuds with a microphone. This will help cancel out interference and make your voice sound clearer.
Remember to mute or turn off your microphone if you are not talking.
Test a day or more in advance with the same computer, headset, and network you plan on using.
Ensure you are using a reliable internet connection with an upload speed of at least 1 Mbps and a download speed of at least 10 Mbps. You can test your connection at https://www.speedtest.net. A wired connection is better than a Wi-Fi connection.
If you have difficulty connecting on your web conferencing platform, or if your video or audio breaks up or pauses:
- Reboot your computer
Close any other applications you're running on your computer
- Avoid having anyone else using high-bandwidth activities on a shared network such as video streaming, cloud backups/sync, large uploads/downloads, etc.
Zoom Plug-in for Outlook
Easily create Zoom meetings using your Outlook Calendar by adding the Zoom plug-in:
- Please click on the Search icon (little magnifying glass, bottom left by the start button) and type "SC"
- In the results you should see something called Software Center, select it to run it
- Close Outlook
- In the list of applications, you should see Zoom Outlook Plugin. Select it and press Install
- Once it is finished installing, you can restart Outlook
Please note that the Zoom plugin does not allow you to schedule meetings from a shared mailbox. You need to scheduled the meeting with your own account and then share the link through the Shared mailbox. Unless configured otherwise, you must attend the meeting to start the meeting.
Related Articles
NOT for use through Sentinel
Zoom is not installed on Sentinel or Remote.Royalroads.
You cannot join a Zoom meeting by clicking a link in an email that you are reading from Outlook on Sentinel/Remote.
Zoom requires access to the audio (headset) and video (webcam) on your computer.
You should access a Zoom meeting in one of these two ways:
- directly from Zoom if it is installed on your computer
- use Webmail to view an email that contains a meeting invitation and click on the link to join the meeting
How to Contact the Computer Services Department
Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
Email us at IT Customer Service
Contact Form
Phone: 250-391-2659 Toll Free: 1-866-808-5429
Come visit us in the Sequoia Building
Hours of Operation