Chef: Position Approvals
Chef links directly to this page for reference. Do not delete this page.
For role: HR
When an employee type resource record is submitted by a manager/resource administrator, P&C receives a notification that there is a record to review.
The Position approvals screen looks like this:
The HRC should click the ‘Review’ button to the right of a record that they need to review which allows them to see the information submitted:
Enter the date of birth or click on “I don’t have the date of birth”.
Correct information if necessary.
Then click ‘Approve this request’
which prompts Chef to:
send the appropriate information to the computer account creation process so that a computer account and email address gets created
send a notification to the manager/delegate that the record has been approved and they should complete the provisioning form when they receive the notice that a computer account exists
If the applicant withdraws after initially accepting etc. or for other reasons, HR can decline the request.
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