Chef: My Team

Chef: My Team

Chef links directly to this page for reference. Do not delete this page.


When a person with a role of ‘resource administrator’ is logged into Chef, they can see a list of all team members’ names and position titles and what Chef roles each have been assigned, if any.

When a ‘delegate’ is logged in, they will see the same list.

When a ‘delegate for contractors’ is logged in, they will see only the contractors in the team.

Read more about roles and what functions they can access.

People will become visible in ‘My team’ on their start date. Even if you entered their record weeks ago and even if they have a computer account already, etc.


Assigning a role to members of your team

On this page, a resource administrator or delegate can:

  1. click on a team member’s name to open and update their record

  2. assign or remove the delegate or delegate for contractor role by sliding the dot into the ‘on’ position

… but only for employee records. Contractors cannot be assigned additional roles.

Before you can assign a role, a person must have logged into Chef at least once.

How to tell if someone has logged into Chef at least once

  • The green check mark on the left tells us that this person has logged into Chef at least once.

  • The purple pill with the slider in the ‘on’ position tells us they have been assigned a Delegate role.

  • The Delegate for Contractors role is dark grey, which means it’s available but the slider is in the ‘off’ so we know they are not assigned this role.

Here’s how to tell if someone has never logged into Chef:

  • The grey X on the left indicates that this person has never logged into Chef.

  • The greyed out pills are not clickable; this is also an indication that the person has never logged into Chef.

Updating a record

A resource administrator can click on a record to open it and then update information if required.

However, right now, not all information is available for updates and those will be greyed out. This is because we must make changes to these systems gradually due to their interconnectivity.

If you want to update a field that is inaccessible, click on the link to the IT Knowledgebase shown under the person’s name for more information about accessing the manual processes we’ll use in the meantime.

Update fields that are accessible to you and click the update button at the bottom of the screen to save the information. Updates are made in Unit4 and shared with connected systems as required

Is this person connected with another department?

In the Employment Details section of the record, you’ll see information about how this person is connected to RRU:

From the screenshot above, you can tell that this person is a front end developer, position # T0331 and that they hold ONE staff position in your team. They do not hold any staff positions outside your team. But they hold TWO contract positions at RRU.


How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
Email us at IT Customer Service
Contact Form
Phone: 250-391-2659 Toll Free: 1-866-808-5429
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