Computer Terms

Computer Terms

When you contact Computer Services, you will get better support if we speak the same language. Below are some common terms and their definitions:

  • Computer Screen - The hardware part of your computer that displays what you see.
  • Computer - The hardware part of your computer that does all the work. Not to be confused with the computer screen that just displays what you see.
  • All-in-One - A computer that has a built in screen so that you have only one main piece of hardware. Most Macs are All-in-One.
  • Computer Name - The name by which any computer is recognized on a network. For troubleshooting RRU computer problems, you may be requested to provide the computer name to Computer Services staff. How do I find the computer name?
  • Laptop/Netbook/Notebook - A portable computer
  • Portable Device/Smart Phone - New ways of connecting to websites. Common devices like these are iPad, Ebook, iPhone, Android phone and Blackberry
  • Browser - The application you will use to "surf" the Internet and access your course page. Common browsers are Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Chrome. How do I know what software I am using right now? Visit this page to view details about your connection. No need to submit the form, as the information is listed on the page.
  • OS or Operating System - This is the software that your computer uses to run everything. Two most common options are Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. There are many versions and each version may require a different response. Common version are Windows v7, Windows Vista, Mac Lion, Mac Leopard. How do I know what software I am using right now?  Visit this page to view details about your connection. No need to submit the form, as the information is listed on the page.
  • Application - Software that runs on a computer. Common applications are Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, and your browser software.
  • Icon - A small graphic image that us used to represent an application
  • ISP or Internet Service Provider - This is the company that you pay to provide you with access to the Internet. Common companies are Shaw, Rogers, Telus and Bell.
  • Desktop - This is the area on your computer that has the background image and can contain icons and folders. Usually if no other applications are running, then you will see your desktop
  • Minimize - This action will hide your application from view. When you press the Minimize button, it will lower your application so that you can see what was running behind it. The minimize button is in the top right of your application window on a computer running the Windows OS, and top left of your application on a computer running the MAC OS
  • Maximize - This action will expand your application window so that it takes us the whole screen. The maximize button is in the top right of your application window on a computer running the Windows OS, and top left of your application on a computer running the MAC OS
  • Close or Exit - Not to be confused with Minimize, this means you actually are stopping the application from running. On a Mac and in Windows you can select Exit from the menu. In Windows you can also click on the little "x" in the top right of the application window. (On a MAC this does not close the application).
  • Reboot - This is when you completely shut down your computer (not simply your computer screen) and restart it. Rebooting shuts down your computer for a few seconds and restarts it automatically.
  • Shutdown - Similar to Reboot, this is when you completely turn off your computer. This can be required to solve many issues and is ultimately better than a simple reboot in many cases.
  • Task Bar - On a Windows computer, this is the bar, typically located on the bottom of your screen, that displays what applications are running, whether minimized or not.
  • Dock - On a Mac, this is similar to the Task bar on a windows computer however it not only shows what is running (with a small blue circle under the icon) but also holds the icons for many of the common computer applications available to you.
  • Start Menu - On a Windows computer, this is the button, commonly in the bottom left of your computer screen, that is used to find all your application icons. On Windows 8, this is no longer the default.
  • Menu Bar - On a Mac computer, this is the top bar that runs right across the top of your Mac computer screen.
  • Academic Account - Also commonly referred to as your Computer Account, this account is used while you are a student. You will receive this account info automatically by email once you are registered. Your username is usually your first initial and last name and will sometimes contain a number.
  • Life Long Learning Account - Also commonly referred to as your MyAdmin account, you created this account when you first applied, and it will exist long after you graduate. Your account id is your personal email address.
  • Moodle - The web site that you log into for your course. You use your Academic Account to log into this site.
  • MyAdmin - The web site you use to do your administrative tasks. The only place your use your MyAdmin Account.

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How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
Email us at IT Customer Service
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