Computer or Device Name

Computer or Device Name

Sometimes you will be requested by Computer Services to provide us with your Computer Name.

Here are some ways to get us that info.  Choose the appropriate option

 RRU Windows Computer

We need the number with the "D" or "L" in the middle.

You can find the computer name of an RRU computer on a sticker on the top or front of the computer.  It should be a RRU sticker with something like:

  • P##D### or L##D### - for desktop computers
    • The sticker is on the "box" part of the computer on your desk under one of your monitors or on the desk behind your monitors
  • L##L### - for a laptop (Inside or outside of the laptop lid)


  • L##M### - for a monitor

Alternatively, you can find the computer name by right-clicking on "My Computer" icon on your desktop or the "computer" icon in your Windows Explorer and selecting Properties or by simply hitting Win key + Break/Pause key.

Please provide us with the info listed beside Computer Name

 RRU Mac Computer

You can find the computer name of an RRU Mac computer on a sticker on the top or front of the computer.  It should be a RRU sticker with something like:

  • L##PA### - for an all-in-one (front of the computer stand)
  • L##DA### - on the Mac Mini "box" (top)
  • L##LA### - for a laptop (Inside or outside of the laptop lid)

Alternatively, you can find the computer name by clicking on the "Apple icon" (upper left corner) and selecting System Preferences.  Now click on the Sharing icon (under Internet and Wireless).

Please provide us with the info listed beside Computer Name

 Personal Windows Computer

You can find the computer name by right-clicking on "My Computer" icon on your desktop or the "computer" icon in your Windows Explorer and selecting Properties or by simply hitting Win key + Break/Pause key.

Please provide us with the info listed beside Computer Name

 Personal Mac Computer

You can find the computer name by clicking on the "Apple icon" (upper left corner) and selecting System Preferences.  Now click on the Sharing icon (under Internet and Wireless).

Please provide us with the info listed beside Computer Name


Open the Settings app to check your iOS information:

  1. Tap General.
  2. Tap About. It will show the device info, including the device name.
    Check your iOS device name
 Android Phone

Open the Settings app to check your device information:

  1. Tap About phone.
  2. Take note of your device name.
    Check your Android device name

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Submit a Request.

How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
Email us at IT Customer Service
Contact Form
Phone: 250-391-2659 Toll Free: 1-866-808-5429
Come visit us in the Sequoia Building
Hours of Operation