Step 3 - Setup a method/preferences - FOB Setup
If you’re reading this page, you are on Step 3 for everyone: set up a 2nd method on the RRU MFA enrollment for everyone page, which means you are logged into your profile at Microsoft and have opened the Security tab.
Stop! Computer Services should have provided you with a temporary code. If you do not have a temporary code please contact Computer services by phone at the number listed at the bottom of this page.
Due to the variations of computers, password managers, and operating systems, the instructions might vary slightly. Please let us know if you would like any clarification.
When you have the USB FOB in hand:
Click + Add sign-in method
You will be prompted to authenticate yourself. If you already have a MFA method setup, choose the existing method you use, otherwise select the “temporary passkey”
Authenticate with the instructions on the screen.
Once authenticated you should now be able to Choose a method and choose Security key from the dropdown list
Click the Add button:
At this point, you will get a warning that you must use Multi-Factor Authentication to setup your multi-factor authentication (!?). Click OK
Enter in the Temporary Code
The screen should refresh and now allow you to select the type of security key. Click the USB device option
Get your key ready and be ready to plug it in when prompted, per instructions, then click Next
It’s working:
A few people have reported a few different messages popping up at this stage. We believe it is related to any password manager you might be using. Roboform, OnePassword, Google password manager in Chrome and other products might want you to confirm you will allow it to save the information.
Push through those warnings and popups and you should finally see a window that looks something similar to one of these images. Please select the option identified:
When prompted, please plug in your USB key
You will now be asked to create a 4-6 digit pin and confirm the pin
Hit Next
You will be asked to touch the USB security Key
Click Allow to allow the security key to manage your Microsoft site.
Give your security key a name - We recommend “RRU FOB” (This is just a display name and does not need to be remembered)
You will be brought back to the Security Info screen
You can now return to Step 4 to select the default Authentication method
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How to Contact the Computer Services Department
Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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