Once you have received your Academic Account, you are able to log on to any of the Computer Lab computers and print. A Print Account is created automatically the first time you send a page to print and $1.00 is added to your print account as a courtesy.
How to add money to your printing account:
Visit the front desk at the Library or University Reception in the Sequoia building to add money to your print account.
You can always see your print balance is due to the persistent PaperCut dialog box that displays the current balance each time you log into a lab computer.
RRU cannot refund you the balance on your print account when you have complete your studies at RRU so please only put enough money on the account for what you intend to use.
Printing prices:
Single sided printing | $.10 cents per sheet |
Double sided printing | $.07 cents per side / $.14 cents per sheet |
Colour printing | $.40 cents per side / $.80 for double side |
Printer Locations:
The following printers are available to students for printing:
Grant student copier - Grant 3rd floor
Sequoia Business Centre BW - Sequoia Main (1st) Floor business centre, rm 109
Sequoia Business Centre color - Sequoia Main (1st) Floor business centre, rm 109
Sequoia lab - Sequoia Main (1st) Floor -rm 108
Sequoia 2nd floor hallway - Sequoia 2nd Floor
LRC student copier - Library main floor Lab
Sherman Jen Student Copier - Sherman Jen main floor
We make every effort to keep the labs stocked with paper. Should you find that a lab is low on paper, please let us know (local 2659 or send e-mail to computerservices@royalroads.ca) during hours when the help desk is staffed (see schedule at left). If you have a need for paper outside of these hours, please call security at local 2525 and they will assist you.
Please note that you are responsible for all charges incurred on your print account. This includes print jobs that are printed using your account if you leave your account logged in and printing to the wrong printer.
Print Balance at Graduation
RRU cannot refund you the balance on your print account when you have complete your studies at RRU. Please only put enough money on the account for what you intend to use.
If you have a balance at the end of your studies, you CAN transfer it to another student if you wish. Please see the Library Front desk (Learning Resource Center building) or the Welcome Desk (Sequoia main floor).