Phone Services - Student

Phone Services - Student

Telephone services are provided in Residence rooms for your convenience. (There is no voicemail)

If someone wishes to call you from off campus, they should:

  • Dial (250) 391-2600
  • Enter your room extension number

What is my room extension number?

  • If you are in Nixon, it is the #6 followed by your room number.
  • If you are in Millward, it is the #5 followed by your room number.
  • For instance, if you are staying in Nixon room 421, the extension would be 6421.

How do I make Outgoing Local Calls?

  • Press 9 + (the 7 digit number you would like to call).

How do I call Room to Room or Room to a staff person?

  • Press 4 digit local (room or office extension)

Long Distance (International and North America) Using Your Personal Calling Card or Prepaid Calling Card

  • Press 9 + follow the directions on the back of the card. (Pre-paid calling cards are available at the Castle Gift Shop).

Operator Assisted Calls within North America

  • Press 9 + 0 + area code + (the 7 digit number you would like to call).

Operator Assisted Calls International

  • Press 9 + 0 + country code + city code + (the 7 digit number you would like to call).

Toll free calls

  • Press 9 + 1 + 800 + (the 7 digit number you would like to call).

Important Note:  If you accidentally dial 911, please do not hang up! Stay on the line and let the 911 Operator know it is an erroneous call and not an emergency that requires a response.

Pay Phones

  • Public pay telephones are available throughout the Royal Roads University campus.
  • Locations include the Millward, Nixon, Arbutus, Grant Block and the Library.

Breakout Rooms and other public phones

  • You are unable to make long distance phone calls from phones in breakout rooms and other classrooms.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

 Special note about Cellphone Roaming charges

  • Due to our physical location close to the US border, you may find that you are charged roaming charges after your stay here on campus.  To avoid these charges we recommend that you turn off Data Roaming on your smart phone or you contact your cellphone provider and ask them to turn off US calling.
  • If you see you have roaming charges on your monthly bill, usually a simple call to your service provider explaining that you were not in the US, is all that is required to have the charges reversed.

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How to Contact the Computer Services Department

Submit a ticket
To submit a ticket, you will be required to log in using your FULL Royal Roads email address (detailed instructions here)
New! If you do not have a full RRU email address (students not currently in a credit program and/or visitors), you can create a portal account using your personal email address.
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Phone: 250-391-2659 Toll Free: 1-866-808-5429
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