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Welcome to RRU.
This page is designed to help you understand the different accounts you will use in your role and to assist you in accessing all the RRU services available to you. As always, if you have any questions you can contact Computer Services using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
(We don’t bite)
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(Must Read!) RRU Computer Account
You have one RRU account, but it can appear as multiple accounts due to the different formats required to log in to different services.
SAM (Academic Account) vs UPN vs Email address
SAM (also called the Academic or Computer account - Looks like d4brown) - this is the username consisting of your preferred name + last name (and possibly a number) - Used on sites ike:
UPN (or User Principal Name - Look like d4brown@royalroads.ca) - this is your SAM account + @royalroads.ca. This makes the UPN look like an email address, but it is not used in this way. It uses the SAME password as your SAM account. It is used to log into sites like:
Anything relate to Microsoft like Sharepoint sites and RRU email
On campus RRU wifi
Email Address (looks like Douglas.4Brown@royalroads.ca) - This is your full name (and possibly a number). With very few exceptions, you rarely ever really use this email address to log in.
How will I know which username format to use?
In most cases we try to give an example of the username you should be using however the simple rules is- if the site is a Microsoft managed site with a login that looks like this, you should be using your UPN.
All others use your SAM unless otherwise directed.
Your initial passphrase
By now you should have received your username and passphrase from your supervisor. If you cannot find a copy of this username or passphrase, please contact your account supervisor.
You may change or keep it, as you wish.
How can I reset my passphrase?
If you cannot remember your passphrase is, you can reset your passphrase on our web site here. You MUST know your staff ID number. If you do not know your staff ID number, you can get that from your supervisor.
Setting up your RRU computer or the first time
MFA and Webmail access
All RRU official correspondence is sent to your RRU email account. There are a few ways to access your RRU email account. (a couple methods require a mobile device)
RRU Computer - If you are provided with an RRU computer you will be able to access your RRU email through the Outlook application pre-installed.
Personal computer or Mobile device - You can setup your email account on a mobile device using the default mail application or using your own email software. You can find instructions to setup this account here.
Another method is to log into our Webmail page. In order to access this webmail account you must first setup MFA.
Once you have MFA setup, you can now log into RRU Webmail with your UPN.
Additional Resources
Office 365
We offer you a version of Office 365 for home use. This license is subscription based and only works while you have an active account at RRU.
You can find information to set this up here - About Office 365 for RRU Staff, Faculty and Students
We also offer an online version of Office 365. You can access this online version of Office 365 at https://www.office.com/ . You will also use your UPN to access this account.
Printing on Campus
When on campus, you can print, photocopy or scan-to-email on any RRU printer. To can only print from an RRU computer. You cannot print from a personal laptop.
To Print:
Log in to any RRU computer with your SAM account and password
A printer should be setup by default. (The printer name is the physical location of the printer). If you do not see an printer, you can install with /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5837168. Or you can contact Computer Services at the phone number listed below
You have unlimited printing, however you will see the amount of printing during the fiscal year in the PaperCut print balance window. This is for informational purposes only. Costs or printing can be found here.
To use the printer to Copy or Scan-To-Email, you must log into the Printer
On the LCD display on the copier, enter your staff ID number and your PIN
If you do not have a PIN, click on the button that says No PIN
You'll be asked to enter your PIN once and then again to confirm. Use something you'll remember easily and please do not use your bank PIN or anything else that valuable.
Now, you're set up. Click Log in to access the copier, scan or fax features.
Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop is a tool you can use to connect to RRU resources on a personal computer that would not normally be available to you. As with Webmail, you MUST first setup MFA, and then you can /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5837595.
Computer Services Knowledge base
This site contains lots of key information along with a way to open a ticket to contact us. You can find this site at https://computerservices.royalroads.ca. You must login to see all the content. We recommend you log in now. You should only have to log in once.
Other accounts
Although we try hard to make everything work with one RRU computer account, there are situations where you must register for services that are managed separately. For a complete list of all your possible logins and other accounts, please see /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5840838