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RRU Login (must read!)
As a student in a credit program, you have one Academic AccountRRU Login that you’ll use to access resources during your studies. You received a notice to set up a passwordpassphrase and activate this account your RRU Login when it was created for you, which may have been early in your application process or near the end, when you accepted a seat.
Depending on which resource you’re using, you may be required to enter your Academic Account RRU Login in one of two formats. No matter which format you use, the password you set up when you activated your account must same passphrase should be used.
Academic Account FormatsFormat | Use this format to log into sites and services like: | ||
RRU login Short form Your first initial + (maybe a number) + your last name like: dbrown or d1brown (technically called a Security Accounts Manager (SAM)) |
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RRU login Long Form Your first initial + (maybe a number) + your last name + @royalroads.ca like: dbrown@royalroads.ca or d1brown@royalroads.ca This is NOT used as an email address at RRU (technically called a User Principle Name (UPN), this is the long form of your Academic Account) |
| Your first initial + (maybe a number) + your last name like: dbrown or d1brown (technically called a Security Accounts Manager (SAM), this is the short form of your Academic Account) |
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Why do you have two Moodle Sites? Undergraduate & Graduate Courses Moodle contains all Credit Program courses. Professional & Continuing Studies Moodle contains all other courses, often non-credit but there are exceptions. This includes prerequisite courses like Academic Writing or Accounting Prep. Once you finish those prerequisite courses you can forget about that site. You will not use it for anything unless you decide to take You will always have access to the PCS student portal and can enroll in additional continuing studies courses during your credit program and in the future. Where are my courses? Your courses will not appear on Moodle until the day they go live. This is usually 9am on the first day of classes. In some cases, the instructor might open up the course on the Friday before, but if this happens you will be notified in advance. If you do not hear otherwise, just expect the courses to appear automagically on day one of your course. |
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We cannot change the username except in very specific circumstances, such as a legal name change. |
As mentioned above, you set up a passphrase when you activated your Academic AccountRRU Login.
If you cannot remember your passphrase is, you can reset your passphrase on our web site here.
As this procedure is a little longer, we have setup a page all it’s own. Please go here for detailed instructions to setup MFA.
Email address (must read!)
When your account was createdyou became registered in a credit program, we automatically created an email address for you. Email addresses at RRU are in the format: preferred-name.last-name@royalroads.ca and may contain a number, like “douglas.1brown@royalroads.ca”.
With few exceptions, you rarely use your email address to log in to RRU resources.
This looks similar to your Academic Account RRU Login except that your name is spelled out. Many people confuse these two.
With few exceptions, you rarely use your email address to log in to RRU resources.
All RRU official correspondence is sent to your RRU email account. There are a few ways to access your RRU email account. (a couple methods some require a mobile device)
Email forwarding (default) - All RRU email is forwarded directly to your the official personal email accountaddress on file for you in the student system. There is no copy anywhere else including in your RRU webmail account. You can manage your forwarding on the MyAdmin site. If you want to turn forwarding off, using the web interface so please make sure you can log into Webmail first (addressed below). Webmail access - Once you have MFA setup, you can now log into RRU Webmail. We are in the process of migrating to a new email server. If you have not been migrate then you log into Webmail at https://webmail.royalroads.ca. If you have been migrated then you log into Although most students forward email to the official email address we have on file in the student system, you can forward to any email address you choose.
If you wish to update the official email address we have on file in the student system, do that on the MyAdmin site. This is independent of email forwarding.
Webmail access - Once you have MFA setup, you can log into RRU Webmail at https://outlook.office.com/.
In either case you will also use your
Use the long format of your Academic Account RRU Login (d1brown@royalroads.ca) to log in to this account, not your email address) (Forwarding must be turned off to see any email in webmail)
Mobile device - You can setup your email account on a mobile device using the default mail application or using your own email software. You can find instructions to setup this account here. (Forwarding must be turned off to get email on your mobile device)
Please note that the max file size your RRU email account can send/receive is 20mb uncompressed regardless of you access your email. Also note that PDF/JPG/ZIP documents are compressed so anything over 12-15mb (total) of these file types will probably be too big.
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One thing I recommend. We are aware that some RRU email going to Hotmail, Outlook, MSN and Live.ca accounts, including RRU passphrase reset and academic account activation emails, are going directly into SPAM folders or not arriving at all for staff/faculty and students that are using Microsoft email accounts like Live.ca, Outlook.com and Hotmail.com among others. If you are concerned you are missing an email, please check your Junk Email folders. We also strongly suggest that you add “royalroads.ca” domain to the Safe Sender's list in your account. |
Additional Resources
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Is my computer ready?Since most of your work will be done over the internet and through a browser, your only limits will be your internet speed and availability. Most computers will be able to handle this processing without any difficulties. Depending on your program, you might be required to record a video, work on documents with Microsoft Office, or install additional software. In those cases, again, most computers should still have no difficulty handling those tasks. Inevitably, we get the question of Mac vs Windows? RRU supports both options and our only recommendation is not to try something new at RRU. If you are most comfortable with a Mac, then stick with it. Courses, and especially residencies, can be quite intense and busy, so you do not want to be learning a new operating system at the same time as learning at RRU. Both OS will handle what you need to do. Finally, if you do not already have a copy of Microsoft Office, RRU provides a free subscription to Office 365 that can be used to install on up to 5 computers. So please do not pay for your own license if you do not want to. (RRU Office 365 license not available for Chromebook) Detailed list of requirements can be found at Computer Requirements for Online Learning |
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Launchpad: Orientation to RRUThe LaunchPad will provide you with a deeper understanding of the resources, services, and opportunities available to you at RRU. You will also learn about and get comfortable with Moodle, our online learning platform. |
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LibraryLibrary access is only granted when you are within 60 days from the course start date. You use your the short format of your Academic Account RRU Login (d1brown) to log in. Please see this page for additional info on Library access. |
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Office 365We offer you a copy of Office 365 that you can install on up to 5 computers. This license is subscription based and only works while you have an active account at RRU. You will also use your long format of your Academic Account RRU Login (d1brown@royalroads.ca) to access this account. You can find information to set this up here - About Office Microsoft 365 for RRU Staffemployees, contractors, Faculty and Studentsstudents We also offer an online version of Office 365. You can access this online version of Office 365 at https://www.office.com/. MFA must be setup to access this service outside Canada (and eventually inside Canada as well). |
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WiFi on campusRRU offers free wifi access on campus. Please see the following page for details on how to connect your mobile device or laptop to the RRU wifi. You will also use your the long format of your Academic Account RRU Login (d1brown@royalroads.ca) to access this accountwifi. |
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Printing on campusWhen on campus, you can print from any RRU computer to any RRU printer. (You cannot print from a personal laptop) To Print:
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Other accountsDuring your program, it may be necessary for you to register for services that are outside of RRU or managed separately. In these cases, you’ll create accounts that are different from your Academic AccountRRU Login. For a complete list of all possible logins and other accounts, including those mentioned above, please see /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5840838. |
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Managing Moodle EmailsOne thing that students can find overwhelming is too many, or not enough, emails from Moodle. Please see “Moodle - Using And Subscribing To Forums” for tips on how to manage the number of emails you receive.
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Thinking Planning ahead -Planningprepare for graduationIt may seem odd to start thinking about graduation when you are just beginning, but we strongly suggest that you actually start right away to organize how you will save and organize the info you might want to keep as you travel this journey. This will save hours of grief and stress at the end of your studies at RRU.remove stress as you near graduation by making it easier for you to download and save any material that would otherwise be removed when you graduate. FYI - Your account will remain active forever, however 14 days after your degree is conferred (usually Convocation) your access to certain items will be removed:
Please see How to Save Your Coursework - The complete procedure to help you download everything for additional details on what happens when you graduate and how to save your stuff as you go. Access to your account after it is closed is not possible except in extenuating circumstances and access is only approved after a review by multiple departments. |
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Computer Services Knowledge baseThis site contains a lot of answers to questions you may have during your studies and provides a way for you to open a ticket for technical assistance. You can find this site at https://computerservices.royalroads.ca. You must login to see all the content and we recommend you log in now. You should only have to log in once. |