Week 01 - Staying in Touch

Week 01 - Staying in Touch

No matter what's going on around us, the internet keeps us in touch and spending time with our favourite people. This week, we'll focus on staying safe while being social with topics including: 

  • Avoiding phishing scams 

  • Keeping private information private 

  • Using strong passphrases and complex passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) 

A bonus comic for those of you that made it to the blog. Enjoy!

Here are some resources from the Government of Canada's CSAM Campaign:

And let's not forget the great resources from our Week 1 Campaign!! 

How To Prevent Phishing Scams! 

Defines phishing, explains the different types of attacks, and how to defend yourself (Cheesy “fishing” jokes included)

Phishing: Don’t Take the Bait! 

Simply defines phishing and the various types of attacks, more colourful! 

Additional informative resources can be found at the links below the video! 

Crooks Bombarding Businesses with 360% More Ransomware 

Ransomware: What is it and why we want to prevent. 

What are Passphrases and How Can They Protect You From Hackers | TechTalk
Explains the advantages of passphrases and why they work better than complex passwords.

The best gift you can get yourself this year
What’s a Password Manager? How do they work? Click here to find out.

Scary Cyber Stats.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and CIRA has released its annual cybersecurity survey that contains some pretty spooky numbers. Did you know that nearly 70% of businesses that were impacted by ransomware paid the ransom?

Read all about the state of cybersecurity in Canada.

Activity Alert: Internet Scavenger Hunt

Returning to RRU this year is our very own Internet Scavenger Hunt.  It’s a great way to sharpen your Internet search skills and pick up a few cybersecurity tips along the way.  Here’s the details:

  • The Scavenger Hunt tip sheet is attached to this post.  Simply save it to a safe place, open it, read the clues and start hunting!
  • When you’re done, submit your answers to securityawareness@royalroads.ca
  • We’re accepting submissions right up until Oct 29th. 

Enjoyed the content and have comments or suggestions? Reach out to us @ securityawareness@royalroads.ca 

Internet Scavenger Hunt 2021

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