Week 01 - Staying Safe

Week 01 - Staying Safe

Let's start with a good reminder....

Welcome to Week 1 of Cybersecurity Awareness Month.  The theme this week is “Staying Safe”.

We're going to start Week 1 of Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a review of some of the basics - phishing emails, malicious links, passphrases and so on. After all, we do need to practice our skills or we risk losing them. And it's not just a review - we'll have some updates and some new information.  


We will focus on what everyone needs to do to keep themselves safe and secure  – both at home and in the workplace. Some of what we’ve got is a review while some other topics – “vishing” is a good example – might be new to you.  We’ve chosen these topics because these are the cornerstones, the basics you need to be mindful of as you use technology both at work and at home.

What you'll find different this year is that most of the resources we have are web or media based.  We want to make it easier for you to get the information we have for you and we want to make it enjoyable as well. 

If you have any questions about our activities in October or suggestions on how to improve our cyber security efforts, please contact us at: securityawareness@royalroads.ca

Week 1 Links:

Dave from the City of London (UK) Police “Cyber Griffin” team who will explain what Vishing is. 
The terminology may be new but the criminals have been using the techniques for quite a while. 
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7Y43GZ9XaY

We stay in the UK with this humourous video that shows in an entertaining way how cybercriminals use emotional triggers to get you to respond to a phishing email. Probably the best video I’ve seen on this topic.

Watch here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCMp_18NpY0

As we all know, we use Passphrases here at Royal Roads.  Ever wondered why?  We’ve got a short video that will explain why passphrases are MUCH better and why you should be using them in your everyday life. 

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIySPpFHJCo

Here's a rather humourous look at the history of passwords.

Watch here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6708491566295609344-XOid

Internet Scavenger Hunt

New to RRU this year is our very own Internet Scavenger Hunt.  It’s a great way to sharpen your Internet search skills and pick up a few cybersecurity tips along the way.  Here’s the details:

  • The Scavenger Hunt tip sheet is on the right side of this page.  Simply save it to a safe place, open it,  read the clues and start hunting!
  • When you’re done, follow the instructions on the tip sheet to submit your answers.
  • We’re accepting submissions right up until Oct 26th.  

Other Links / Resources

“Stay Sharp on Internet Safety”   An entertaining introduction to internet security, suitable for the whole family, put together by Microsoft.

Safe On-line Surfing.  This is a great safe surfing game site for kids in grade 3 to 8 and it’s lots of fun.  Unfortunately, the school participation / exam features are not available in Canada.  

Mad Lib #1  Here's a fun game / video  or "Mad Lib" on how attackers get into our network.  Kids will have fun with this one.  Look in the right column for the PDF answer sheet.

Great Reading:

PDF Download


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