Week 04 - Families and Business Week

Week 04 - Families and Business Week

This past year has been a difficult one for many Canadians, but two groups have faced unique challenges: kids (who are missing school, friends and activities) and small and medium businesses (who had to shift suddenly from business as usual). We’ve talked about the business side here at RRU over the past 3 weeks so this week we’re going to focus on keeping kids and families safe online. 

The good stuff!!

Here are some resources from the Government of Canada's CSAM Campaign:

And let's not forget the great resources from our Week 3 Campaign!! 

Safe Online Surfing

This is a great resource created by the FBI to teach cyber security and safe online surfing to children in grades 3 to 8. These relatable activities are a great way to help learn good habits with your young ones.

Socially Cautious

Social Media is a great place for us to connect and share with friends and family, but there are some best practices we should keep in mind when posting content on the internet.

There’s no escape from Facebook, even if you don’t use it

A great article about how Facebook tracks users, even if they don’t log in

Keep it Private

A friendly reminder of the need for caution when posting to social media

Activity: I Think, Therefore I Meme

What better way to end Cyber Security Awareness Month than with a game we can play with our friends and family. This game focuses on cybersecurity concepts to aid in their adoption by younger users and is a great opportunity for parents to engage with kids on cyber topics. It is a multi-player web-based game that makes light of some cyber security concepts by generating memes, and what better way to prove a point than a meme?

Cybersecurity Game: https://game.getcybersafe.gc.ca/


Enjoyed the content and have comments or suggestions? Reach out to us @ securityawareness@royalroads.ca 

Sexting Infographic (for Parents)

Sexting Infographic (for Teens)

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