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If you have questions about the content or questions you’d like us to answer here, please let Cecilia know via Teams or email. Thanks!

Table of Contents


Why do we limit who can see records in CHEF?

Unit4, the resource management system, is aware of who reports to who and who is responsible for managing the records for contractors. Access to records is determine by the organizational structure (and record maintenance responsibility) defined in Unit4. Chef is the friendly interface to the resource management system and uses roles related to Unit4 to manage access to records.

CAMP allowed people access to information they didn’t need to do their jobs. To deal with privacy and data security, it is necessary to lock down access to the records per the organizational structureThe resource management system and its sidekick, Chef, are doing a better job of managing the privacy of information.

Can I access CHEF off Campus?

RRU laptop - Yes, on campus or off campus, you should have access to CHEF.

Personal computer - Yes, ONLY through the browse on Remote Desktop. As long as your configure /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5837595 on your computer you can then log in and use CHEF on that server.

Mobile device - Possibly, if you have setup /wiki/spaces/ITKNOW/pages/5837595 on your mobile device then yes. For a mobile phone, this is not really practical.

How do ‘end dates’ work for my RRU resource record and my computer account?

All employees and contractors (non-students) will have a resource record in Unit4/HR Core (position management).


Full time, regular employees will have no end date in Unit4 and their computer account will have no end date. If an employee leaves, the hiring manager People and Culture will edit the employee’s record in CHEF to indicate the end date. That end date will be used to expire the computer account.

Term employees WILL have an end date on their resource record but and their computer account will not. When If their term ends, the hiring manager end date changes, People and Culture will edit the employee’s record in CHEF to indicate the new end date. That end date will be used to expire the computer account.

Contractors of all kinds will have a ‘contract end date’ on their resource record but not on and their computer account. When if their contract endsend date changes, the hiring manager resource administrator or delegate will edit the employee’s record in CHEF to indicate the new end date. That end date will be used to expire the computer account.

This is a change from how CAMP behaved because in CAMP, everyone had an end date and hiring managers/resource administrators had to intentionally renew/extend computer accounts at least every two years by responding to notifications from CAMP. Hiring mangers managers/resource administrators will no longer have to ‘renew’ or ‘extend’ computer accounts. They will only have to ‘end’ themcomputer accounts for full time staff. When it is time, People and Culture will terminate those computer accounts. Resource administrators and delegates will be able to manage the computer account end dates for contractors.

I missed the ‘end date’ and now the account has expired, what do I do?

If you do not update the date BEFORE the account expires, you will need to go back into CHEF and Create a new Resource. When prompted you will select the existing person and this will re-activate the account when you are done.

What is the process to set up a new employee? A new contractor?


Contractors (academic and non-academic)

Everything leading up to when a new employee accepts a job offer and signs their acceptance letter stays the same.

Everything leading up to when a contracted resource signs their contract stays the same. This is true for all contractors.

At the same point a hiring manager/resource administrator would have entered information into CAMP to create a computer account, they’ll go to CHEF instead.

(A computer account will be created and integrations will be made with systems in the background, as required for other business processes to function as expected.)

At the same point a hiring manager resource administrator would have entered information into CAMP to create a computer account, they’ll go to CHEF instead.

(A computer account will be created and integrations will be made with systems in the background, as required for other business processes to function as expected.)

Hiring managers/resource administrators will visit a specific webform (the link will be provided soon) the provisioning form to select from a list of things that might be needed for a new employee. The list includes things like:

  • computer equipment

  • office space

  • furniture

  • keys

  • elevated access to various corporate systems like Avanti (payroll), CMMS, CRM, EMS, Destiny One, Moodle, Raiser’s Edge, Readerboard, Unit4 Financial, Unit4 Student

  • specialized training from finance related to Payment Card Industry (PCI)

  • specialized training from CTET related to Moodle, courses, etc.

Submitting the form sends requests to the right departments to provide these things.

Representatives from the departments may follow up with you or the new person individually if they need more information or to arrange a meeting etc.

Hiring managers Resource administrators will visit a specific webform (the link will be provided soon) the provisioning form to select from a list of things that might be needed for a new contractoremployee. The list includes things like:

  • computer equipment

  • office space

  • furniture

  • keys

  • elevated access to various corporate systems like Avanti (payroll), CMMS, CRM, EMS, Destiny One, Moodle, Raiser’s Edge, Readerboard, Unit4 Financial, Unit4 Student

  • specialized training from finance related to Payment Card Industry (PCI)

  • specialized training from CTET related to Moodle, courses, etc.

Submitting the form sends requests to the right departments to provide these things.

Representatives from the departments may follow up with you or the new person individually if they need more information or to arrange a meeting etc.

Wow! Why does the set up process for employees and contractors look the same?!


BEFORE a new person signs a letter of offer or a contract, the financial and hiring processes for employees and contractors may look very different. There are good reasons for that, some of them legal. That kind of thing is different than getting the person set up to do their work.


For employees, that’s often a place to sit, a computer, access to software & systems (sometimes many!), etc.

For some most contractors, a place to sit may is not be required. A computer may not be required. And in fact, we may not be allowed to provide a place to sit or equipment (legal reasons). Access to RRU resources will probably be required even if it’s just to a SharePoint site where they can collaborate with the people they work with. Some contractors may not need access to a SharePoint site, but they may need access to a different things, like Moodle and training related to Moodle.

It all depends on the work the new person will be doing.

The hiring manager/resource administrator knows what the new person needs, so the hiring manager/resource administrator will say ‘yes’ to all the right things.

Can we use shared mailboxes as ‘supervisors’ in CHEF as we did in CAMP?

The concept of ‘supervisor’ is different going forward. In CAMP, the email address entered for ‘supervisor’ was really where you wanted CAMP notices to go.

Some people use(d) shared mailboxes as CAMP supervisors so that notifications can be received and processed by more than one person.

Although the hiring manager (who is probably the real supervisor) or delegate must enter or edit records in CHEF, they can provide a shared mailbox email address as the recipient of notifications if that works better for your team.

So, that’s a ‘yes’, with a little note that we were using the term ‘supervisor’ pretty loosely in CAMPIn 1996, the field “supervisor” in CAMP was meant to hold the name of the actual supervisor/reporting manager of the person we were onboarding.

But as we grew and the administration of managing CAMP information was handled more and more by support staff, we started using the email address of the person who needed to receive the notifications in that field. Later, we started using the email address of the departmental shared mailbox.

Because CHEF relies on the resource management system for information, we must move back to the original definition of “supervisor” meaning hiring manager/resource administrator.

When my supervisor/hiring manager/resource administrator logs into CHEF, the system knows who they are in relation to me, like so:


Any information the hiring manager/resource administrator needs from CHEF will be sent automatically, like confirmations when they add a new resource record etc.

Further down in every record, there is a field where you can enter the email address where you want computer account related notices to go:


So, you can’t use shared mailboxes as “supervisors” anymore.

But you CAN specify where computer account related messages go.

What kind of notifications will CHEF send? Will I get the same notifications I got from CAMP?

One of the main purposes of notifications in CAMP was to trigger various activities like:

  • creation of a computer account (that notification went to a system, not a person)

  • provisioning computer equipment

  • providing access to software


But because hiring managers/resource administrators will use a special webform to ask for these things going forward, CHEF won’t need to send notifications about them.

The other main purpose of notifications from CAMP was to advise the hiring manager that a computer account would be deleted soon so that they could change the expiration date if applicable.

Because computer accounts will no longer have end dates until the hiring manager assigns one when/if necessary, this notification will no longer be needed.

The bottom line is that CHEF will send fewer notifications than CAMP did and they will confirmation that the record was been submitted, approved by HR if appropriate, that kind of thing.

(If you’re a person who previously received notifications from CAMP and you’re worried that you’ll miss important information, please know that we have the information you shared with Cecilia previously and we will provide for you.)let us know.

Can I create/update resource records in


Chef for staff whose records are normally administered by people who report to



The answer is YES, you absolutely can edit records for everyone who reports through to you. And you can add new records, too.

This is because as this manager (circled in yellow), you have access to all records in your organization (shaded in blue), including the people who report to you, who are managers/resource administrators AND people that report to those managers/resource administrators.


Someone in my team reports to two different supervisors. Does CHEF handle that scenario



Yes, both you and the other supervisor/manager will see this person listed under “My Team”.

Why is the information I see in Outlook, Teams, and on the www directory incorrect, even though the information in Chef IS correct?

Currently (2024-10-07) the data we see in Chef comes from either the CAMP database or Unit4, depending on which function you’re using.


Why are we using the CAMP database if CAMP doesn’t exist anymore? Because we’ve just taken the first step in decommissioning CAMP. We could not disconnect the CAMP database from everything at the same time because everything would have broken.

We’ve replaced the application called CAMP with the application called Chef. And at the same time, we linked Chef to the (new!) resource management system. But the CAMP database is still connected to Chef.

There’s still a lot of work to be done for us to fully disconnect the CAMP database from all other systems. As that work moves along, the information is shared in the directories and in Outlook and Teams will line up with the official information in the Resource Management system.

Where we see data

Where does it come from?

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When someone looks at their own profile or when a manager goes to ‘My Team” and pulls up someone’s record in Chef, they are looking at information from Unit4, the resource management system.

Here, you’ll see the official position name etc.

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In all of the Chef ‘Directory’ functions, whether it’s a ‘search’ or ‘organizational directory’ or ‘phone directory’, you’ll view information on a card, shown on the bottom picture.

The information on this card comes from the CAMP database.

Why? Because we cannot disconnect everything at once.

The position name/title you see here may be the same as that on file in the Resource Management system OR it may be whatever title was entered into the text field in CAMP back in the day.

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When you look at someone’s ‘organization’ information in Outlook, the data you see comes from the CAMP database.

Why? Because we cannot disconnect everything at once.

The position name/title you see here may be (coincidentally) the same as that on file in the Resource Management system OR it may be whatever title was entered into the text field in CAMP back in the day (more likely).

The ‘organizational structure’ shown here does not reflect the official organizational structure. Instead, it’s reliant on the email address listed as the ‘computer account notification email’.

This is not ideal and won’t be this way forever. But it is this way right now and cannot be changed at this time.

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When you look at organizational data in Teams, same as above.

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The information you see when you look up a person in the contact directory on www comes from the old CAMP database so like Outlook and Teams, it may well be out of sync with Unit4.

And just like Outlook and Teams, the content showing in the directory will be improved over time.