Topics Covered In This Article
You can record a narrated presentation directly from your My Media page. To do this, you will need to install the My Media application called Kaltura Capture. Once you have made your recording, you can upload to your My Media library and embed it anywhere the Moodle text editor is available.
Your presentation slides (i.e. PowerPoint in .PPTX or .PPT format) need to be prepared in advance.
- The slides will automatically be captured as chapters and the text, they will be indexed and searchable later on in the player.
Click the slide to advance to the next slide or use the left and right arrow keys to move back and forth.
- click the minus icon (–) first to minimize it,
- use the shortcuts, Command or Control+Shift+R, to start and Command or Control+Shift+S to stop the recording.
- Press ESC to exit full screen mode when done.
Go to Manage
5. Annotating your slides
- Give your recording a title in the Title field.
- Optionally, you may add a description and tags.
- Clicking SAVE & UPLOAD will upload the recording to My Media and also save it in the Kaltura Capture library.
- Clicking SAVE will save it in the Kaltura Capture library where you can upload later to My Media.
- Important Note: DELETE will remove it from your computer. It will not go into your Recycle Bin and can't be retrieved. Make sure you have either uploaded it into My Media or you would like it to be deleted. Deleting it from My Media will also remove it and can't be retrieved.
Kaltura Capture keyboard shortcuts
Refer to Moodle My Media - Kaltura Capture Keyboard Shortcuts for handy keyboard shortcuts, including how to record without the Kaltura Capture recorder appearing in your recording.
How to view your recording in My Media